
like to speak to you for a moment...all of you out there at The
Adventures Continue..and especially to one of the
finest men I've ever known...Jim Nolt. Jim, I know everyone is as
proud of you today as I am..because we feel we have a right to be
proud. But there's more to it than that.
in their wildest dreams watching the Adventures of Superman
as a kid could have imagined being part of a celebration the
likes of which occurred the weekend of August 16 - 17, 2014.
vision coupled with dedication and determination. Well Jim has
done all these things. And thanks to his tireless effort...a
dream became reality.
fact we think he's... something kinda special. How about all of
~ ~ ~ ~
August 16, 2014 at 8am: My wife Marcia and I had the honor of
driving the “founding fathers” of The
Adventures Continue,
Don Rhoden and Jim Nolt to the Superman Plaque dedication.
directions from Perry White, we were off to Tarzana. at 5400
Wilbur Avenue in Tarzana, California.

had been 61 years since Jack Larson and fellow cast members
George Reeves, Noel Neil, John Hamilton and Robert Shayne filmed
this scene from the 1953 Adventures
of Superman episode,
“The Man Who Could Read Minds,” their only location
scene together.

thereafter the special guests arrived.. Jack Larson, Stephanie
Shayne (along with her Dad's cane), Beverly Washburn, Jacqueline
Hamilton (granddaughter of John Hamilton), and the "First
Lady" of Superman,Laura Siegel Larson, daughter of Superman
co-creator Jerry Siegel.

the unveiling of the plaque,
gathered for the Super Celebration 2014 luncheon at The Beverly
Garland Hotel.

most emotional moment of the weekend. Jack Larson and John
Hamilton (“Perry White's” son) reunite for the first
time since 1958!

was thrilled and honored that Jim Nolt had asked me to produce a
video tribute, entitled Jimmy!
be shown at the luncheon.

guest at the luncheon received this wonderful commemorative coin
as a keepsake from the event of a lifetime.

~ ~
Sunday we toured the Pasadena Playhouse where George Reeves honed
his craft as a young actor. Thanks to Pete Parkin for being a
sensational and informative guide.

~ ~
Larson laughs as he watches a scene from Jimmy!
courtesy of Dana Pless)
at the In and Out Burger with (L-R) Greg Moffett, Marcia, Me, and
Bobby Ryan.
courtesy of Brian McKernan)
Moffett with George Reeves in a scene from “The Stolen

exclamation point to this incredible celebration weekend. A small
group decided to make the trek to 1579 Benedict Canyon Drive.
Thanks to the courage of Ted Newsom who went to the front door,
we had a marvelous encounter with Michael Chasteen, the home's
owner for the past 17 years.
could not have been nicer. He too is an admirer of George Reeves
and took this group photo of us in virtually the same spot where
George posed with his car some 55 years ago. Ted also made a
great photo shop version of our encounter.

and I had the time of our lives. The event was a bucket list item
written and accomplished in just a couple of days, resulting in
friendships we will treasure always. I'm so honored to have been
part of it.