Contact Information
Oh, Superman, I wonder if people know how beautiful the
world really is.
Photo compliments of Randy Garret and Don
The Adventures Continue (TAC)
is a website devoted to George Reeves and the Adventures
of Superman. All contents
copyright© by Jim Nolt unless otherwise noted. All rights
reserved. Nothing from this website may be reproduced by any
means, in whole or in part (except for brief passage used solely
for review purposes) without written permission. |
and Celebrating |
A look back at the events of 1951 The
1951 Production Schedule The
Adventures of Superman 1951 A Lois Lane and Perry White Moment (Links to individual “Summer of 1951” pages)
Adventures of Superman 1) The Adventures of Superman opening Credits – Mike Goldman has given us an insight to the mysterious changes. 2) In the Shadows of "Panic in The Sky" – John Raspanti gives us an inside look. 3) The Adventures of Superman A Reflection by Bruce Dettman. 4) Jackson Gillis, August 21,1916 - August 19, 2010 -- A 1991 Jackson Gillis conversation with Jim Nolt 6) In "The Monkey Mystery" Mystery Mike Goldman and Don Holmes take a closer look at "The Monkey Mystery" and give us with yet another mystery to think about. 7) The Second Season by Mike Goldman and Jim Nolt 8) The Mystery of Young Clark by Andy Klyde and Jim Nolt 9) Amazing Lot of TV Superman Photos from Jim Bowers 10) Observations by Chris Brockow regarding “Superman On Earth.” 11) "George Reeves Forever" website goes offline, but Rich's pages find a home at TAC. 12) Kirk Hastings takes a closer look at “Peril In Paris.” 13) Remembering Lester Dorr by Dianne Dorr Tuckerman, Barb Paulk, and Jim Nolt 14) We Got No Choice, Kent A Profile of John Doucette by John Doucette II and Jim Nolt 15) The Adventures of Superman 20th Century Fox Feature Compilations by Allan Asherman. 16) In The Darkroom features Superman-related pictures from the imagination of Brad Shey. 17) You’ll Believe – Kirk Hastings offers a history and critique of the effects used through the years to make Superman fly. 18) Bill Kennedy – Thanks to Mark McGovern for this message of interest and importance to all about Bill Kennedy, the man who voiced the intro to the Adventures of Superman. Newspaper Articles Featuring George Reeves The above linked pages will eventually replace this earlier set of articles.
1) Ron Gross combines his appreciation for TAoS and his unique and impressive artistic style to bring a beautiful tribute to George Reeves. 2) Rare Neal Adams illustration of George Reeves from the early 90's. 3) Skip Simpson recreates the Painting in Perry White's office.
and remembrances from
Shey shares with us three of
Brockow's comments on the
1) Part 1 Refer to the players who've been spotted in other films by Lou Koza 2) Part 2 Refer to the players who've been spotted in other films by Lou Koza 3) Bruce Dettman Documents Bruce provides on-going mini-profiles of the Adventures of Superman character actors. 4) John Doucette: A Fine Character Actor and The John Doucette Gallery by Colete Morlock 5) John Doucette by John Doucette II and Jim Nolt 6) An Interview with Malcolm Mealey by Doug Switz. 7) Malcolm Mealey as told by his step-son, Chuck Jones 8) Dabbs Greer in The Green Mile By Colete Morlock 9) Ben Welden, The Gentle Gangster 10) Judy Nugent Thanks to Boyd Magers 11) Isa Ashdown by Jim Nolt 12) The Billy Nelson Gallery Thanks to his nephew, Jason Michaels. 13) Ladies of the Adventures of Superman by Colete Morlock and Thom Hamilton with latest entry, Mira McKinny. 14) Russell Johnson by Bruce Dettman 15) Dale Van Sickel by Barbara Drake Comics of the Golden Age Podcast August
3, 2021
1) Maybe It's His Costume Fans personal recollections of childhood memories. 2) George Reeves' Superman Costume by Kirk Hastings 3) The Evolving "S" Emblem, The Ever Changing Color Uniform, X Talks about the Muscles by Mr. X. 4) What George Reeves Meant to Keith Howard by Keith Howard
A Video – My Thirty-Year Friendship with Dabbs Greer
The Deserter Review - by Colete Morlock. As every fan of George Reeves knows, he directed the last three episodes of the Adventures of Superman. It was in George's best interest to direct further and directing the film The Deserter was on his agenda, as well as Return to Earth. Colete reviews The Deserter and why it may have interested George Reeves.
Ben Welden
Bus Road (from "The Mind
Machine") Lou
Koza's 2006: A Year in Review 2007: A Year in Review 2008: A Year in Review 2009: A Year in Review 2010: A Year In Review 2011: A Year In Review 2012: A Year In Review
In the Back Yard
1) TV Guide 2) George Reeves Was A Super “Superman” Newsday article by Jerry Zezima 3)
now another exciting episode in The Adventures of Superman” 4) Results of Vicki Bigelow's research at the Helen Warner branch of the Willard Public Library in Battle Creek, Michigan.
A&E's Biography
1) George Reeves Personal Appearance in Hartford, Connecticut by Lou Koza and Bill Dillane 2) Superman' Is Just Quiet Fellow From Ashland 3) Disneyland July 17, 1955. Anaheim, Ca. Candid Photo 4) George Reeves Final Costume Appearance. Possibly George Reeves' final costumed TV appearance at KJEO-TV in Fresno California for a telethon for Cerebral Palsy as told in the August 18, 1958 Fresno Bee Thanks to Carl Glass 5) The June 1954 Memphis, Tennessee Appearance Standing against Segregation By Lou Koza 6) The Greater Indiana County State Fair Appearance - August 25, 1956. 8) The Egyptian Premier Appearance by Lou Koza 9) George Reeves at the La Grange (Illinois) Pet Parade in 1956
I Thought I Was the Only One is a list of George Reeves/Superman resources.
1) Relative Revelations: Relative Revelations provides a small glimpse into the triangle relationship between George, Toni and Eddie. By Lou Koza 2) Father's Day: Frank Joseph Bessolo: Step-Father of George Reeves 3) Bessolo Photo Gallery and Finding Helen It
was long speculated and at times defined as fact that Frank
Bessolo, George's step-father, died by suicide. Enter the pages
above and finally learn the truth. 5) George Reeves: The Real "Man of Steel" by Greg McCollum Plus the follow-up Mild-Mannered
Reporter For A Great Metropolitan Newspaper: My 1970's Search for
George Reeves 6) Helen Bessolo by Serena Enger 7) Eddie Mannix MGM Studio profile and Newspaper articles 8) The Curious Case of the George Reeves Car Accidents by Lou Koza
1) And Who, Disguised As Clark Kent by Stephen Brooks 2) The Adventures of Superman: Ultimate Super-Hero Portrayal, or Low-Budget Disappointment? by Kirk Hastings 3) A Super Memory by Bruce Dettman 4) Crime and Justice: Notable Film Noir and Crime Dramas By Serena Enger 5) From Comics to TV by Kirk Hastings 6)
The Dettman Observatory (the following articles are all on the
same page) 7) Lucy Meets Superman, and The Luckiest Kid in the World (From the pages of TAC: The Magazine) by Lou Koza 8) The Great TV Heroes: Superman by Kirk Hastings 9) In Retrospect – A series of articles by Bruce Dettman 10) An Evening With Beverly Washburn by Chris Brockow 11) Newspaper Articles Related to George Reeves and the Adventures of Superman. 12. Ed Gross of takes a look at George Reeves. 13. Bill Cassara’s More Than Lois Lane, reviewed by Scott Bleiberg.
1) Happy Landings: Another article from Mr. X and Jim Nolt. (4/29/07) 2) Take a guided tour of the Daily Planet with your tour guides, Mr. X and Jim Nolt. 3) And now, take the "Out of the Office Tour" with that fabulous duo, Mr. X and Jim Nolt. 4) Mr. X and Mr. N(olt) bring to you Super Outtakes. 5) Put-and-Take Tops? It took 50 years, but thanks to Mr. X, another mystery is solved, and I now know what a Put-and-Take Top looks like ("The Man Who Could Read Minds"). 6) The Man Who Filled In for The Man of Steel ? 8) The Adventures of Superman Nash Cars Item 1 - Want a car just like Inspector Henderson's? Check this fun page suggested by Steve Brant. Item 2 - Ambassador owner Rich Conaty 9) Alfred Walker's Basement by Alfred Walker 10) X-Factor By Mr. X 12) The Center For Jewish History Celebrates 75 Years of Superman 14) When Sgt. George Reeves was on Broadway doing Winged Victory, he wrote a column for the company newsletter. Jim Beaver was able to find this one example.
Available on Amazon 14) Superman on Film, Television, Radio and Broadway by Bruce Scivally 15) With Thanks to Superman by Brian McKernan 16) Voices From Krypton by Edward Gross
1) Flight of the Innocent - Review of Hollywoodland by Lou Koza 2) Hollywoodland: The UK DVD -- Advertisement Review by Lou Koza 3) New York Post article on Hollywoodland includes remarks by Mr. Jim Nolt. 4) Sunset Boulevard: "Mad About the Boy" by Lou Koza
1) The Many Faces of Jimmy Olsen: As Shown by Jack Larson by Thom Hamilton and Colete Morlock 2) News of Jack Larson 3) Jack Larson Remembers filmmaker James Bridges 4) Brad Shey shares with us three of Jack Larson's Superman contracts 5) Download Karen Grant's interview with Jack Larson from May, 2003. (Thanks to Mike Goldman for bringing this to my attention). 6) Jack Larson's connection with antiques in this interview by Ken Hall. 7) Superman Returns: Jack and Noel in the New York Times. 8) A few words from some who knew Jack. 9) Jack Larson's Memorial Service.
1) John Hamilton: The Distinguished Curmudgeon by John J. Raspanti
1) 50 Years Later Still Resonates A sentimental remembrance from the fans. 2) Life of George Reeves Celebration - June 20, 2009 New York City 3) Jim's Message of June 16, 2010 and "Personal Tribute to George Reeves" at
review from Bruce Dettman...
Linda Billo Miracle In Metropolis by Linda Billo
Stephen Brooks A Christmas Gift by Stephen Brooks with illustrations by Randy Garrett. First Encounters by Stephen Brooks with llustrations by Randy Garrett. Missing by Stephen Brooks with illustrations by Randy Garrett. Trouble In The Old Home Town by Stephen Brooks with illustrations by Randy Garrett. Superman's First Rescue by Stephen Brooks with illustrations by Randy Garrett. Superman and the Ghost of Mystery Mountain by Stephen Brooks and Ralph Schiller Everybody Comes To Tony's by Stephen Brooks The Girl From Superman's Past by Stephen Brooks Aftershock, a sequel to “Crime Wave” by Stephen Brooks Man of Iron by Stephen Brooks The Smallville Boys in The Old Thorne Mansion by Stephen Brooks
Jessica Campos Short On Time by Jessica Campos Last Ounce Of Strength by Jessica Campos In The Mind by Jessica Campos
Len Carparelli A 1955 “Adventure of Superman” We'd Have All Liked To See by Len Carparelli
Mike Cline Turmoils Of A Teenage Superboy by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Turning The Page by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Dilemma by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Winds of Change by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Soon It Will End by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Shattered by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Genesis by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Enmeshed by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) The Big Con by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Triangle by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) The Trojan Horse by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) A Puzzle For Smallville by Mike Cline (A Superboy Story) Claire Kent, Crime Reporter by Mike Cline
Kirk Hastings Night Before Christmas by Kirk Hastings with illustrations by Randy Garrett. Superman's Wife: The Expanded Version by Kirk Hastings And Justice For All by Kirk Hastings The Stolen Costume Part II by Kirk Hastings The Stolen Costume Part III by Kirk Hastings The Ghosts Of Cheslford by Kirk Hastings The Girl Of Steel by Kirk Hastings Superman and the Mob Men by Bruce Kanin Ghost of Benedict Canyon by Kirk Hastings The Haunted Island by Kirk Hastings Young Clark Kent by Kirk Hastings Where No Superman Has Gone Before by Kirk Hastings Journey Back Into Time by Kirk Hastings Superman Is Missing by Kirk Hastings The Kingpin of Organized Crime by Kirk Hastings Superman In Mayberry by Kirk Hastings Jungle Devil – The Sequel by Kirk Hastings
Bruce Kanin Mastermind by Bruce Kanin Superman and Perry Mason by Bruce Kanin
Tom Nichol Superman In Exile – Epilogue by Tom Nichol From Krypton to Earth by Tom Nichol The Human Bomb – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Peril By Sea – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Deserted Village – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Crime Wave – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Prince Albert Coat – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Five Minutes To Doom – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Panic In The Sky – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Test Of A Warrior – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Deadly Rock – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Mystery In Wax – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Mysterious Cube – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Superman And The Mole-Men – Epilogue by Tom Nichol A Ghost For Scotland Yard – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Ghost Wolf – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Star Of Fate – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Great Caesar's Ghost – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Atomic Captive – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Haunted Lighthouse – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Rescue – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Mind Machine – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Defeat of Superman – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Big Freeze – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Joey – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Phantom Ring – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Big Squeeze – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Night of Terror – Epilogue by Tom Nichol To Everything There Is A Season by Tom Nichol Jet Ace – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Seven Souvenirs – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Evil Three – Epilogue by Tom Nichol No Holds Barred – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Bully of Dry Gulch – Epilogue by Tom Nichol Passing The Baton by Tom Nichol Mystery of the Broken Statues – Epilogue by Tom Nichol The Birthday Letter – Epilogue by Tom Nichol On
the TAC Facebook page, Peter “Stoney” Emshwiller posted a
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 1953 Nash-Healey driven by George as Clark Kent on TAoS? Well, wonder no more.
Neill in Tucson, Arizona Noel
Neill honored with amazing Lois Lane Statue. Jim Bowers' YouTube Tribute to Noel Neill 1975
New York Telefantasy Convention
Noel Neill.
Noel Neill's 85th birthday party photos. The party was held at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn on November 26, 2005. November
25, 2015 Noel Neill's Memorial Service – November 5, 2016
1) Superman and Captain Midnight Together Image found by Lou Koza 2) Inside look at So Proudly We Hail Exhibitor's Manual. 13 pages. Includes Tall, Dark and Embarrassed - Nurse Claudette Bathes Shy Male (see Page 40). Thanks to Serena Enger. 3) Movie Reviews by Lou Koza 4) Kit Parker Films presents for the first time on DVD two back to back films staring George Reeves. Thunder in the Pines and Jungle Goddess. Backed by the immense energy of Carl Glass and Steve Kirk and others. (I received my copy on Dec.14, 2006 and it is terrific. Be sure not to miss out on this gem.) 5) Nightshade
1) "The Machine That Could Plot Crimes" Location shots in "The Machine That Could Plot Crimes" (See also Then and Now) 2) "The Man Who Could Read Minds" Location shots in "The Man Who Could Read Minds" 3) Learn about the train shown in the introduction to the Adventures of Superman. 4) More about the location of the train in the intro to the Adventures of Superman. 4) The Valley Express captured by Bobby Ryan 5)
The Williams'
apartment building in
"The Birthday Letter." On the Lighter Side Recently I received a vision... and a voice, from somewhere in New York, commanded me to create a series of web pages. I obeyed the command. It now becomes my happy duty to reveal Bruce Kanin's parodies. Curtain... I'm pleased to post these images created by Brad Shey... inspired by his admiration for George Reeves and the Adventures of Superman
1) Lois In Manhattan by Bruce Dettman 2) Superman's Girl Friday - Long lost magazine article found. 3) The Adventures Continue remembers Phyllis Coates. 4) Scott Bleiberg’s review of Bill Cassara’s Not Just Lois Lane.
1) Great animated feature will have you walking on air. 2) Combining two passions... TAoS and Stereoscopic imaging. Bring your 3D glasses. 3) Now you can have a Nash-Healey sports car just like George's.
1) Robert Shayne: A Tribute to a Fine Actor by Colete Morlock and Thom Hamilton 2) Robert Shayne in the News -- Clippings provided by Lou Koza 3) Inspector Henderson's Sweetheart. Bette Shayne on Superman And The Secret Planet by Randy Garrett Boys and girls... your attention please. Presenting a new and exciting story featuring the thrilling adventures of an amazing and incredible personality in Superman and the Secret Planet. With
Music Without
Music This concludes Superman and the Secret Planet, and we owe Randy Garrett a sincere debt of gratitude. I know he put in many long hours for our enjoyment. Randy, thanks so much for sharing your talents, your time, and your love for George.
seven chapter movie
Superman and the Mole Men began filming in July 1951. Fifty-year anniversary is recognized by the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, and a celebration is held downtown at the Cafe Pinot. See Noel Neill, Jack Larson, Robert Rockwell, Jeff Corey, Dabbs Greer, Bette Shayne, Laura and Joanne Seigel and Paul Levitz. 1)
Week Ceremony
Special Report from NEWSDAY, Sunday edition dated June 18, 2006 on the upcoming Superman DVD and broadcast events.
Brittany thanks the "Legion of Super Friends" who helped her with a school project in the spring of 2003.
Clabaugh Woolstock Celebrates George Reeves Interview
with Veronica Guyader of Woolstock, Iowa... George Reeves'
tribute to George Reeves, Phyllis Coates,
The Only Real Magic -- The Magic Of Knowledge"