The Adventures Continue

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From the Publisher of
The Adventures Continue

Don't forget to read the From the Editor column for October
Friday, October 6, 2000


There is good news this week from two excellent George Reeves'
researchers... TAC contributors... and all around nice guys, Michael Hayde
and Jim Beaver.

Michael recently signed a contract with Cumberland House Publishing to
publish his book on another television series from the 1950s, Dragnet. His
book should be on the shelves by spring of 2001.

Jim Beaver will appear in a new comedy series on ABC starting tonight at
8:30 ET. In The Trouble With Normal, Jim plays a role similar to that of Mr.
Carlin in the old BOB NEWHART SHOW. Jim wrote that he likes having a job, so
please watch and tell your friends. :)

Congratulations to both Michael and Jim. May their current efforts be major


Even though Michael Hayde's been involved with his Dragnet book project, his
interest in George Reeves hasn't waned, and he frequently comes up with more
interesting research and questions. If anyone can help Michael with answers
to his questions, PLEASE let me know.

The Mystery of "Mystery in Wax" -- About a dozen years ago, for TAC #3, I
researched and wrote up an article about the Los Angeles air dates for
"Superman's" first run. Ninety percent of that article was based on ONE
source: the L.A. Metro edition of TV Guide. Yesterday afternoon, I flipped
though a second source: TV-Radio Life, a weekly mag with program listings,
published in L.A. In it, I found corroboration that "Ghost Wolf" and "Crime
Wave" were the second and third episodes to run in that city, but I also
found something unexpected. While TV Ghide had listed "Mystery in Wax" for
May 23, 1953, TV-Radio Life listed a rerun of "Superman on Earth." I do
know that "Mystery in Wax" never turned up again in TV Guide until the show
left Kellogg's sponsorship.

So here are the questions: did "Mystery in Wax" ever air in L.A. under the
auspices of Kellogg's? If not, was it omitted from the package in other
cities? TAC #2 mentions an alternate version of that episode in which the
drinking that occurs in Perry White's office is replaced by a montage of
newspaper headlines, flying shots and so forth; although the dialogue
between Perry, Lois and Inspector Henderson is audible. This would have been
a Kellogg's-ordered edit, but I've never seen it. "Mystery in Wax" is one
of about five shows for which I've never seen the "Kellogg's version." Does
ANYONE have it on video?


The photos of the "school bus road" from "The Mind Machine," published in
TAC, Jr. #43 surely brought about renewed interest in "Forty Acres," the back
lot of the old Selznick Studios where the first season of Adventures of Superman
was filmed. In the past month there's been much discussion going on between
Randy Garrett, Jerry Krumm, Jack Thompson, and David Sutton. It turns out that
The Real McCoys, The Andy Griffith Show, and Batman all filmed on that same
piece of real estate.There is so much movie and television history connected with
"Forty Acres" that Randy's put together a tour of this back lot at Culver City for
us which I'll post in the next week or so. As soon as it's uploaded, I'll let you know.



News about a new television series

News about the film Superman Lives

Brian's Drive-In Theater

Wes McCue's Classic Plastick


All contents (c) 2000 by Jim Nolt.

 "Like The Only Real Magic -- The Magic Of Knowledge"