The Adventures Continue

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From the publisher of
The Adventures Continue

TAC, Jr. #32
May 22, 1999

Today is a special day for me for several reasons... among them is the fact
that final arrangements have now been made with Variety. The photo and all
names have been submitted, and next week I'll give approval to the layout.
The results of your generosity will be seen on June 1.


June 1 is approaching, and that means you'll soon be able to see the special
photograph chosen for theVariety ad. I'm pleased to say that Jim Beaver
has allowed us to use an unusual one from his personal collection. The photo
shows an extremely handsome George Reeves taken when he was in his mid to
late teens, It was his mother's favorite photo of him... one she had hanging
in her home for many years. I'm proud to be able to use it, and want to
thank Jim for so generously sharing it with us.


You, the readers of The Adventures Continue, are to be congratulated. Not
only did you contribute enough money to pay for the full-page ad in
Variety, you also contributed enough to make a handsome donation to the
California Chapter of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. This week I'll be
sending a check in the amount of $1,100 to MG. When I receive a reply, I'll
post it at the web site.


A few weeks ago, Tom (no last name given) sent me this trivia from the world
of sport:

Last week, when the New York Yankees were playing the Texas Rangers at
Yankee Stadium. One local New York TV broadcaster mentioned that the Texas
Ranger pitcher Rick Hiller resembled George Reeves of the old Superman TV
show. Rick is prematurely gray and does have a slight resemblance to George
when seen on TV. The other announcer in the broadcast booth didn't think
that Rick resembled George at all.

Announcer 1: Do you mean resembles him in face or body?

Announcer 2: Face.

Announcer 1: Didn't George Reeves have dark hair?

Announcer 2: Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, maybe I'm off-base on this
one, but to me, they look alike.


Robert Prion recently visited John Hamilton's grave site. He wrote:

John Hamilton's cremated remains are located at Hollywood Forever Cemetary,
located on Santa Monica Blvd. in Hollywood, just behind Paramount Studios.
The ashes are in an outside wall of cremated remains located behind the large
mauseleum containing such people as Valentino and Peter Finch.


Several readers asked how Dwight Kemper made out regarding his purchase of a
George Reeves life mask at the eBay auction last month. I'm happy to report
things worked out all right for Dwight. The message was not meant as a
negative toward eBay, however. I'm sure the eBay auction site has thousands
of satisfied users every day. But there's bound to be a scoundrel or two
among all the people who buy and sell there. And that reminds me of a
comment Clark Kent made in "Joey." Of course Clark was referring to horse
racing, but it gives me another opportunity to share dialogue and snaps from
an episode of the "Adventures of Superman."

CLARK: Hope you remember to tell Joey.
LOIS: Oh Clark, now you're just being nasty.
CLARK: No, Lois. Just practical. After all, horse racing can be a good clean
sport, but there's liable to be a rotten apple in any barrel.
JIMMY: If you think there might be some dirty work afoot, why don't you ask
Superman to keep an eye on things.
CLARK: For your information, Jim, Superman manages to keep mighty busy...
and he also only happens to have two eyes.
JIMMY: Yeah, but what eyes!




This will be the last issue of TAC, Jr. for several months. I plan to use
the summer months to add new material to the web site and to take some time
for a little fun. Feel free to write any time, but barring anything extra
special happening, you can expect the next issue of TAC, Jr. in September. I
know that for the readers in the southern hemisphere things are topsy turvy
(oh, there's an opportunity to share more dialogue from "Superman"), so I
can't wish everyone a pleasant summer, but I can wish for everyone, no
matter where you are, good health and happiness always.

The Adventures Continue . . . with George Reeves

 "Like The Only Real Magic -- The Magic Of Knowledge"