From the publisher of The Adventures Continue
TAC, Jr. #30 -- February 26, 1999
#29 or have visited the Contributor's
Page at lately, you already know that we've surpassed the
goal of $2,845 needed to place the full-page George Reeves ad
in Variety. I'm currently working to make final
arrangements with Variety and will notify you via TAC,
Jr. when the ad is scheduled to run and how you can get a
copy. And remember, all extra funds will be sent (on behalf
of the readers of TAC) to the California Chapter of the
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation in memory of George Reeves. I
will soon send a check to Variety, but if any of you
want to make a last-minute contribution, please let me know.
Shayne called me last week to report that all the photos Bob
had signed previous to his death are now sold out. There are
no more. She wants me to thank all of you who thought enough
of Bob to request a photo, those who were nice enough to
include a message with your request, and those who send her
get well wishes after her recent surgery. Bette is doing fine
and is planning a trip to Las Vegas soon.
I talked with Stephanie Shayne (Bob's daughter) about writing
an article for the next issue of TAC. She was delighted to be
asked and has promised to have it ready for TAC #16 later this
year. You can see a picture of a very young Stephanie Shayne
with George Reeves in the newly published Speeding Bullet,
which is now available.
REEVES -- After many months, Jan Alan Henderson's Speeding
Bullet is finally available. To get your copy, send $19.95
plus $3.55 shipping to Jim Nolt, 220 N. Walnut St. #7, Lititz,
PA 17543. I've already received some very postive feedback
from those who ordered early:
KIRK HASTINGS -- Speeding Bullet arrived today. It's
fantastic! It really looks good, and I've had a great time
reading it. It's very factual, fair and balanced -- and a far
better book than Hollywood Kraptonite! Jan has a lot to
be proud of -- this book is great! I love the pictures too!
PHIL GALLO -- My book arrived yesterday. I didn't get home
until 11:00, but I had to take a look before going to bed.
Those are great photos. I can't wait to read through the
entire book.
TONY STOKER -- I received Speeding Bullet in the mail
last night and I finished reading it tonight when I came home
from work. As a matter of fact I just got through with it. I
literally could not put the book down because it was so
interesting. I had read some things on Mr. Reeves' death in
the past, saw some stories on television and heard the various
rumors but this book far surpasses anything. It is extremely
well written and documented and I am very pleased that I
ordered it.
About three quarters of the way through the book I laid it
down and put on a video tape version of "The Secret of
Superman" that I had copied off of Nick At Night a few
years back. A youthful George Reeves was portraying the Superman
that I remember and loved as a child. At that point in his
Superman career one could tell that he still had a lot of
enthusiasm for the role, either enthusiasm or professionalism.
Whatever you would call it you could tell that he was giving
it the very best he had. It brought back a lot of memories. As
I was watching the show, I kept thinking about all of the things
that I had just got through reading from the book and how sad it
was to have everything end the way it did - for Mr. Reeves and
all of us, his fans. We missed a lot because I have no doubt
he would have went on to do a lot of very good things. Thanks
for letting me know about the book.
5) METROPOLIS SUPERMAN FESTIVAL -- The town of Metropolis,
Illinois will again host a Superman Festival. The guests for
the June 10-13 Festival include Alex Ross, Justin Whalin,
and Kerry Gammill. There will also be an auction organized by
David Olsen (
Feel free to e-mail David for auction info and a booklet. You
may call the Metropolis Chamber of Commerce at (800) 949-5740 for
general info and hotel accomodations.
6) GEORGE AND PHYLLIS ON TV -- Steve Jensen keeps a pretty
close eye on his televsion listings and invites everyone to
watch the following:
Jungle Jim -- Mon 03/01/99 at 6:30am Central time on
AMC (American Movie Classics channel). Johnny Weissmuller,
Virginia Grey, George Reeves, Lita Baron, Rick Vallin, Holmes
The African adventurer faces witch doctors, sea serpents and
wild animals while searching for a rare medicinal potion. (1
hr. 30 min., 1948, Black & White)
I Was a Teen-age Frankenstein Mon 02/22/99 at 2:00am
Central time on the SCIFI channel. Whit Bissell, Phyllis
Coates, Gary Conway, Robert Burton, George Lynn, John Cliff
A 1950s descendant of the infamous doctor creates a new
monster from adolescent body parts. (1 hr. 30 min., 1957,
Black & White, Available on Video)
Jr. #27 I reported that a CD of Superman music would soon
be released from Varese Sarabande. The CD will feature music
from TV's Adventures of Superman, Broadway's It's a
Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman, Superman:The Movie,
Superman II, Superman III, Supergirl, and the Fleischer
cartoons of the 40s. Latest word is that the CD will be available
on or about March 23. You might want to check out their web
site at
Note: This is not the John Williams CD.
8) LANK GARRETT/RANDY GARRETT Those of you who read The
Adventures Continue know Randy Garrett from the fine art
work featured on its pages. In a recent newsletter I noted that
he had the same last name as Lank Garrett ("Disappearing
Lois") played by Milton Frome. A few days later Randy
wrote back:
<<Milton Frome was one of my favorite character actors
because he was a real ACTOR, much like Dabbs Greer. He could
play anything from singing cowboy to tough cop to second
banana for Milton Berle. I once sent him a fan letter and he
kindly sent me an autographed photo. I wanted to have
more correspondence with him and maybe ask about George, but
very shortly after I received the photo, I read in Big Reel of
his passing away.>>
I thought you might like to see Randy's photo and note:

----- The Adventures Continue . . . with George Reeves