The Adventures Continue

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I Thought I Was The Only One!

UPDATE: 05/07/2010

I hear it again and again from readers of The Adventures Continue. "For so many years I thought I was the only one who loved George Reeves and the Adventures of Superman. Now I know that wasn't the case, but it took a long time to learn it." Of course, the reason each of us thought he was the only one was because up until 1976 not much was written about George and the series. I can remember going to book stores and searching through the shelves devoted to television, only to come away depressed because there were no books on George. Then came Gary Grossman's Superman: Serial to Cereal, followed by magazine articles, The Adventures Continue, television segments, and the Internet. The store room door was open... and we were finally allowed to see in and to learn. Through the years Lou Koza and Mike Curtis have kept a chronology of these resources which they kindly allowed me to publish here. Lou is aware there are still other resources and invites anyone to help fill in the blanks. Please send any additions to me (Jim Nolt) at or Lou at

  • (LK) Reference by Lou Koza.
  • (LK)* Reference by Lou Koza. and appears in SAVING GEORGE REEVES CD Presentation.
  • (MC) Reference by Mike Curtis


March 1941: National Historical Magazine. Commitee Reports. Photo from Meet the Fleet. Includes George and Herbert Anderson, future Mr. Mitchell on TV favorite Dennis the Menace. (LK)

June 21, 1941: The Saturday Evening Post. Up, Up and Away, the Rise of Superman Incorporated. Perhaps the very first article printed on Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. (LK)

September 1941: MOVIE STORY. Lydia. Film plot outline. Photos with George Reeves. Separate article on Mickey Rooney' Andy Hardy includes a young John Eldredge. (LK)

February 1942: Theater Arts. Want to Be In Pictures Ad for the Pasadena Playhouse, includes image of George Reeves. (LK)

Sept 1943: MOVIES, Star Searcher. Claudette Colbert's new find for So Proudly We Hail. (LK) *

May 1943: PHOTOPLAY, The Truth About Hollywood's Man - Scrammble. Portrait shot of George. Separate image of Toni Lanier (the future Mrs. Mannix) dining with Walter Pegion. (LK) *

April 1944: STARDOM. GI GREASEPAINT. Article about George and his wife Mrs. Reeves, Ellanora and Winged Victory.(LK) *

Spring 1944: SCREEN ALBUM. George and So Proudly We Hail. (LK) *

December 1944: MOVIE STARS. Private Lon. Photo of George and Lon McAllister. Heading Up. Photo and career bio of George Reeves. (LK)

June 1944: Fortune Magazine. Cast photo of Variety Girl. Represented here. George appeared in the film.(LK) *

July 1945: MODERN SCREEN. It's Lon McAllister, photo includes George and Lon. (LK)

March 1947: MOVIE PLAY. Bonny Noel. Nice article and photos of Noel Neill. (LK) *

May 1948: MOVIE STORY. Photo of George and Veronica Lake.(LK)

December 1947: MOTION PICTURE. Stars of Tomorrow. George career profile.(LK) *

May 1950: LAFF. Photo of Phyllis. This was a 50's men's magazine, nudity was extremely minor if at all. (LK) *

March 28, 1953: TV Guide and Forecast. Who Needs Flying Saucers. Discusses the new hit show, the Adventures of Superman. Small image from Tin Hero. (LK) *

July 1953: TV STAR PARADE. Separate mini-bio's of George Reeves, Jack Larson and Phyllis Coates.(LK) *

September 23 through October 1, 1953, TV GUIDE. How They Make Superman Fly. Highly sort after TV guide among fans of the show. (LK). Represented here.

December 1953: TV People. Superman's Girl Friday. Represented Here. Article and photos of Phyllis Coates and her daughter Crinker. Interesting the date of this article is long after Phyllis played the part of Lois Lane. Season two had already been filmed and broadcast by this time. One photo has Phyllis in her Lois Lane outfit signing autographs for teenagers. (LK) *

June 1954: TV STAR PARADE. Small photo of George receiving a plaque. Same original photo went for over $200.00 on ebay in December of 2005. Mini-bio of Noel Neill. (LK) *

February 1955: TV FAN. Superman is Only Human.(LK) *

May 1955: People Today. Photo of George dancing with Lita Baron at the annual Hollywood Circus Ball. (LK) *

June 1955: Press-Scimitar. Superman Flies In--This Time, Aboard Airliner.(LK) *

August 29, - Sept. 4, 1955: TV Weekly, Salt Lake Edition. Photo of George as Superman on cover.

November 1955: TV RADIO MIRROR. Photo of George holding little girl on his shoulders at the opening of Disneyland, California. (LK) *

January 1, 1956: Herald-Advisor. Superman' Is Just Quiet Fellow From Ashland. Represented here. Thanks go out to Serena Enger for finding this article.

September 1956: TV magazine. Photo of George dancing with Anita Miller.(LK) *

May 1958: COMPLETE TV. Super Heart. George visits Natividad Vacio and his school children. Art Weissman discusses his first meeting George and this article in TAC # 5. (LK) *

January 18 - 27, 1957: The Hartford Courant.  Represented here. Thanks go out to Bill Dillane for this find.

March 23, 1957: TV Guide. Crashing the Language Barrier. Reprints the color picture of George leaping from the springboard from the earlier TV Guide cover story. Article is about the dubbing of TAOS into several languages. Two pages.(MC)

December 1957: TV PICTURE LIFE: Superman Minds the Store. Photos and article from Hess Department store, Allentown, Pa. (LK)

The Fresno Bee,: August 18, 1958. Fresno, California. CP Telethon Brings $45,770 in Pledges Thanks to Carl Glass for this find. Represented here.

September 1958: TV Guide Junior. Superman Is Only Human After All. George discusses some of the dangers of being TV's Superman. (LK) *

September 1958: The Pittsburg Press. Superman In The Backyard. Neighborhood children visit George at his home. (LK) *

December 1959: MODERN SCREEN Hollywood Yearbook. I Find The Death of My Son Suspicious. (LK) *

1950's date unknown: Superman's Fall to Female Lure Told on Visit. Includes George discussing the 8 year old boy who aimed the gun at him during a personal appearance in Detroit. While it is now known this event never really happened and that it was George who fabricated this story to dissuade promoters from asking him to wear the Superman costume. But truth be told, children did indeed throw rock's at George and kick him in the shins to test his invulnerability. Article also mentions his friendship with Fess Parker. (LK) *

1950's date unknown: Superman Greet's Easter Bunny - And Thousands of Fans at Hess Brothers. (LK) *

1950's date unknown: What You Don't Know About Superman. (LK) *

In the late 1950's (I don't have the exact date) DC prepared a bio of Noel Neill to run in Lois Lane comics and one of Jack Larson to run in Jimmy Olsen comics. They reprinted the Lois one several times, spotlighting it on the cover of Lois Lane Annual #2. Each had a drawing of the star above a text. Again, I don't know the exact debut or issues these ran in. I know the Lois one ran at least three times. (MC)

October 1960: TOP SECRET. Helen continues her investigation with the Cincinati Morgue regarding the death of George Reeves. (LK) *

June 1962: Screen Thrills Illustrated: Issue 1 Part one of The Saga of Superman. 8 pages, One pic of George with the Mole Men, one with George and Noel from the levitation episode, and one still of Rockwell and Towne as Jor-El and Lara. The end of the article promises part 2 in the next issue will have news on the upcoming SUPERBOY TV series. (MC)

September 1962: Screen Thrills Illustrated: Issue 2 Part two of The Sage of Superman. No mention of the Superboy series, but this is the most "Reeves heavy" one of the articles concentrating on the television series rather than the serials. Six photos of George, including three full page ones (two from Mole-Men, one with him lifting Art Weissman, two of him swooping in a window, one of him as Clark with Jack from "The Haunted Lighthouse"). The article itself focuses on the television series and special effects and storylines. (MC)

Early 1963 or late 1962: Screen Thrills Illustrated: Issue 3. Focuses on the Fleischer cartoons, and general matters. This was the first issue I saw as a kid and learned someone else other than George also played Superman on film. Only time I saw Kirk as Superman until I met him in 1981. (MC)

June 6, 1965: Sunday NEW YORK NEWS. Superman is Still Super. Article featuring Noel Neill.(LK) *

May 1966: TV Radio-Mirror. The Superman Jinx by Robert E Johnson. Three pages, lots of mid 1960's interview material with Noel, Jack and Phyllis. One picture of George (nice!), one of Phyllis, two of Jack, and one of Noel in a swimsuit. (MC)

C. 1966-67: Monsters and Heroes magazine, issue 2. The Three Faces of Superman. c. Seven page article, photos from TAOS on page 6, one of Reeves flying, one of Planet cast. Also has 2 pictures of John Rockwell as SUPERBOY on page 7, the first ones I believe published from the show. (MC)

October 1966, Warren published On The Scene Presents Superheroes. This magazine reprinted several of the superhero film articles from previous SCI issues. There's a colorized picture of Kirk on the cover, and the Superman article inside is reprinted from SCI 1 with a couple of extra stills. No new ones of George though. The only all new material in the magazine is an article on the BATMAN feature film. I believe this is the easiest found of the Warren issues. Other than this issue, Superman (by Kirk or George) appears on no covers. (MC)

1974: Serial World magazine # 3 All about...Superman In The Serials by Eric Hoffman... here's a small tid bit: Invariably Kirk will be asked if he knew George Reeves and what he thought of his interpretation of Superman. Yes, I knew George. In fact, we had the same agent, Gus Dembling. George was a nice guy and did a good job as Superman. I remember when the series was big on TV, he was on strike for more money. I think he found out what kind of a problem being identified with the Superman character could be. I got a call from the people making the show and they told me about the situation and what George was holding out for. I told them to pay him....he deserved whatever he wanted. Thanks to Richard Taylor for finding this.

February 15, 1975: TV Guide Two page article focuses on Feb 21 ABC special adaptation of It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman. One large illustration from early comic, one inset from Filmation cartoons, one black and white of Kirk Alyn, one large color one of David Wilson (who played lead in ABC production and one GOOD COLOR of George. (MC)

January 1976: Infinity, issue six. Tele-Fantasy Convention: Meet Noel Neill T.V.'s Lois Lane. Photos include Noel on stage and meeting her fans. Look for a very young Danny Fuchs. (LK)

April 1976: Superman: Serial to Cereal by Gary Grossman. Brings for the first time an in depth look at both on screen Superman portrayed by Kirk Alyn for movie serials and George Reeves on television. The book that started it all. Can be purchased here. (LK)

1977: Fantastic Television - A trade-type paperback by Gary Gerani with Paul H. Schulman copyright 1977 by Harmony Books. The bulk of the book has chapters dedicated each to series such as Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, The Invaders, and Star Trek. Chapter One covers the Adventures of Superman. There are six pages of heavily illustrated commentary, and then a full listing of episodes with mini-synopses which look similar to the ones in Serial to Cereal. There are one or maybe two photos that may be new to me: a long shot of Jor-el before the ruling council, and frozen Superman staggering through a hole in the wall in The Big Freeze. George also appears on the cover in a series of nine television screens ala Brady Bunch, with Superman in the middle, one of those familiar straight ahead shots with his hands on his hips. (MC) (LK)

June 1978: Fantastic Films No. 2. "Men Of Steel Vs. The Cathode Ray." A look at the 50's TV show and the serials.

Most of this issue focuses on Superman and his history on film. The cover is a painting of Supermen Christopher Reeve, Kirk Alyn, and George Reeves. Inside there is a detachable version of the cover with an added detail of George Reeves and Phyllis Coates. The articles focus on the upcoming new movie with Christopher Reeve. However, for George Reeves fans, there are some added bonuses.

Irv Katchmar contributes an article entitled THE MAN OF STEEL VS THE CATHODE RAY on the psychological effect playing Superman may have had on George Reeves. Rather insightful but short, with 4 pictures on 2 pages. The author had a fine appreciation of Reeves' talents and how good he really was, but the conclusion seems forced.

Unfortunately, aside from pictures, that is all the magazine contributes to your knowledge of the TV series. But there are many pictures of Reeves and the series throughout, including many reproductions of the Topps cards, and stills from Superpup and Superboy. There's an excellent interview with Kirk Alyn, as well as one on the Paramount cartoons, and a scientific explanation on "The Powers of Kal-El" illustrated by the Topps cards. A book to buy if you don't have a set of the cards. (MC) (LK)

December 29, 1978: Atlanta Constitution By Greg McCollum. GEORGE REEVES: REAL 'MAN OF STEEL'   Represented here. (LK)

March 1979: Questar no. 3. Superman the Legend features Kirk Alyn, George Reeves and Christopher Reeve. (LK)

1970's date unknown: DC World. Lois Lane Reveals Super TV Secrets Features Noel Neill. (LK)

June 1981: Chicago Sun-Times. The George Reeves Mystery. Jim Beaver is interviewed. (LK)

June 1983: Collectables Illustrated. Several articles related to the screen Superman. Kirk Alyn: Movies Original Man of Steel. George Reeves: Jimmy and Lois Remember TV's Superman (Noel Neill and Jack Larson interviewed). Christopher Reeve: The New Generation. Magazine includes an article on merchandise titled The Adventures of Superman Collecting interviews Danny Fuchs. George is featured on the cover. (LK)

June 1983: Mediasight, issue no. 2. The Adventures of Superman (LK)

October 1983: Starlog issues no. 75, 76, and 77. TV's Superman Remembered. Written by Paul Mandel. An in depth look into the Adventures of Superman. Article caused a big stir among fans, who were less than favorable of Paul's unflattering description of George during his visit with Pat Ellsworth at ABC's studios in NYC. Paul would rally years later in TAC No. 6, explaining away his error. (LK)

February 1984: Amazing Heroes #41. All Our Superman. Looks at Kirk Alyn, George Reeves and Christopher Reeve. (LK)

1984: Hollywood Hearbreak, by Laurie Jacobson, mass market trade paperback, with Marilyn Monroe on the cover. This book is rather morbid and discusses deaths of Hollywood stars from the 20's to the present day (1980's). "George Reeves" Who's Speeding Bullet?" It has quotes from Gig Young and Alan Ladd on his "suicide" I have read nowhere else. There's also information about his death (and apparently his foreknowledge of an attempt on his life) again, that I have read nowhere else. The article is complimentary to Reeves, as opposed to many others. However, the ending, with the old "haunted house" story has a new twist: the ghost of George Reeves pointing a gun at visitors. (MC)

June 1986: Comics Feature # Unkn. Superman - Columbia Serials with Kirk Alyn. (LK)

June 1986: Superheroes Files #2. Episode guide to the 50's TV show. (LK)

July 1987: Variety. Reeves Made TV's Superman a Likable Guy By Allan Asherman. (LK)

November 1987: Starlog #125. The Adventures of Superman Director. Lee Sholem is interviewed. (LK)

February 1988: Herald Examiner. Anniversary for the Man of Steel: George Reeves. Interviews Gene Lebell. (LK)

February 1988: Amazing Heroes no. 136. Look Up In The Sky by Andy Mangles features Phyllis Coates, Jack Larson and Kirk Alyn. (LK)

March 1988: TIME Magazine. Looks at the 50th anniversary of Superman. Describes George as a "lardy sort of fellow." (LK)

April 1988: Comics Scene #3. Jimmy Olsen Grows Up Jack Larson is interviewed. (LK)

April 1988: Starlog no. 129. Inspector Henderson Reports Robert Shayne is interviewed by Tom Weaver. (LK)

May 1988: Starlog 130 & 131. Superman's Pal Jack Larson is interviewed. (LK)

May 1988 - Amazing Heroes. Superman: The TV Show. Short article introducing "The Adventures Continue" fanzine to the world. A fanzine that would prove to be the beginning of an incredible journey exploring the life and career of George Reeves and the Adventures of Superman. (LK)

June 1988 - Starlog #8 Japanese issue. Features, Chris Reeve and George Reeves. Written for the Japanese market. (LK)

June 1988 - It's a Bird…It's a plane…No It's the Television Adventures of Superman. A trade size book by James Van Hise and John Field. A tribute to the show, episode guide and some fantastic Adventures of Sir Galahad photos. (LK)

June 1988 - TAC #1. Published by Dr. Don Rhoden. A round robin Q&A session includes several fans. Mike Rose, Jim Nolt, Randy Garrett and many others. Represented here at George Reeves Forever. (LK)

June 24, 1988: Movie Collector's World. Superman on Television. Extensive article by Micheal Bifulco. (LK)

July 1988: FilmFax #11. The Life and Times of Honest George, the People's Friend, Aka Col. Reeves. by Jan Alan Henderson. (LK)

September 1988: FilmFax no. 13. Superman the Early Years Features Phyllis Coates, Jack Larson, Kirk Alyn and Ben Weldon by Jan Alan Henderson. (LK)

September 1988: Adventures of Superman Collecting. Coffee table size book by Harry Mateski and Danny Fuchs. A pictorial history of Superman memorabilia. High quality book. (LK)

November 1988: Superman On Television. An extraordinary, in depth look at each episode of the Adventures of Superman by Michael Bifulco. (LK)

November 1988: TAC #2. Dedicated to Phyllis Coates. Published by Dr. Don Rhoden. Phyllis Coates interview by Don Rhoden. Includes articles And Who Disguised as George Reeves. (LK)

Interviews with B Science Fiction and Horror Movie Makers by Tom Weaver. (Hardback, 1988 Mcfarland and Company). Interviews originally appeared in magazines like Fangoria, Starlog, Fantastic Films and Filmfax.
Lee Sholem. The director talks avout his career with emphasis at the chapter start on directing Superman and the Molemen and several episodes from the first season. There's a nice shot of Reeves and the Molemen also. He tells a nice story about George, and also that he filmed Tarzan films on the oil field shooting area from Molemen. He also tells about both George and Phyllis being knocked unconscious while filming the series,. and what other flying fantasy figure was "flown" by TAOS's wire expert. Harry Thomas, makeup man on several films and Molemen. Talks about designing the look for the molemen and again, how nice George was. He started as an extra and is shown in a still from a Laurel and Hardy feature. Tells about making up Ma and Pa Kent in "Superman on Earth" and singing with George in his dressing room. He also did the makeup on Robert Shayne in Neanderthal Man. (MC)

January 1989: Celebrity Plus magazine. Hollywood Mystery & Deaths: Ghost of 'Murdered Superman Haunts Beverly Hills Mansion. By Milo Spiriglio. (LK)

February 1989: Starlog #138 and 139. Superman's Girl Friend. Tom Weaver interviews Phyllis Coates. (LK)

June 1989: Fantastic Television. 50's TV Superman episode guide. (LK)

June 1989: VARIETY. Jim Nolt campaigns for a loving tribute page to George Reeves.(LK)

November 1989 - TAC #3 The beginning of Jim Nolt as publisher.

  • The Luckiest Kid in the World by Randy Garrett.
  • Leave it to Beaver. By Jim Beaver.
  • In the Beginning: The First Run on the Adventures of Superman on Television by Michael J. Hayde.
  • Interview with George Reeves by Luis Serrano, translated by Mauricio Araujo of Brazil.
  • George Reeves at the Pasadena Playhouse by Dabbs Greer.
  • The Quest for George Reeves by Rick Spector.
  • Good-bye Mr. Zero by John Field. (LK)

December 1989: Hollywood, Then and Now. The Strange Death of George Reeves. Features Jack Larson. (LK)

1980's date unknown:

People Magazine. Look! Up On The Stage! It's A Bird! It's A Plane! It's Jack Larson, Superman's Sidekick - Turned - Librettist. (LK)

The Electronic Man of Steel by Tom McGeehan. Explores the 50's TV Superman show, with episode guide. (LK)

Ray Guns, Puppets and Coonskin Caps. Look, Up in the Sky! (LK)

Monster World. The Celluloid Superman (LK)

June 1990: TAC #4.

  • A Few Minutes with Robert Shayne, Interviewed by Jim Nolt.
  • Noel Neill Interview by NBC Radio host Alan Colmes. (LK)

June 1990: TAC #5.

  • An Interview with Jane Ellsworth by Chuck Harter.
  • An Interview with Pat Ellsworth Wilson by Chuck Harter.
  • George Reeves' Star by Chuck Harter.
  • An Interview with Art Wiessman by Chuck Harter.
  • Jack Larson Interview by NBC Radio host Alan Colmes. (LK)

June 1990: Hollywood's Unsolved Mysteries. 1959's Fatal Attraction - Murder Still Haunts by John Austin. Interesting look at the death of George Reeves. Includes Gene LeBell and his comments regarding the the condition of George's right hand after the April 8th car accident. (LK)

April 1991: TAC #6.

  • Special Letter from Pat and Jane Ellsworth.
  • Truth, Justice and the American Way by Art Weissman.
  • The Super Summit Meeting by Chuck Harter.
  • The Story of Robert Maxwell's Departure by Michael J. Hayde.
  • Dear Old George by Paul Mandell.
  • How They Made Superman Fly by Paul Mandell.
  • The Final Journey: Interview with Jim Beaver by Chuck Harter. (LK)

June 1991: Movie Star News. Ghost of Superman Haunts. by Milo Spiriglio. (LK)

June 1991: People Magazine. Superman's Sidekick. Features Jack Larson.(LK)

June 1991: Starlog #XX. Superman's Music of Superman. by Paul Mandel. (LK)

October 1991: American Cinematographer #10. Still Super After All These Years. by Jan Alan Henderson. An in depth look at the filming of the Adventures of Superman. (LK)

November 1991: American Cinematographer #11. It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's. by Paul Mandel. An in depth look at the special effects of the Adventures of Superman. (LK)

April 1992: TAC #7.

  • Slyvester J. Superman Speaks Out, Interview with Chuck Connors by Jim Nolt.
  • TV Works of George Reeves. Compiled by Nelson Jimenez, Jeff McLaughlin and Jim Nolt.
  • The Kingpin of Organized Crime, Stephen LeNoir meets Dan Seymore. (LK)
  • It Was Fun Growing Up With Superman by Pat Ellsworth Wilson.
  • The Unconditional Love Affair by Michael J. Hayde.

April 1992: Wizard #8. Superman's Pal, Jack Larson? (LK)

July 1992: Scarlet Street no. 5 & 6. The Return of Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane. Interviews Jack Larson and Noel Neill. (LK)

January 1993:FilmFax no. 36. Superman's Serious Sidekick. Features Phyllis Coates. (LK)

April 1993: WIZARD. Superman: The Man of Screen. Andy Mangles looks at Kirk Alyn, George Reeves and Christopher Reeve. (LK)

April 1993 - TAC #8.

  • THANKS by Elizabeth M. Shayne.
  • A Day of Remembrance For Robert Shayne by Chuck Harter.
  • The Robert Shayne Filmography by Alexander Ghosh.
  • 1957: The Shadow of Superman by Michael J. Hayde. (LK)

June 1993 - TAC #9.

  • My Friend Superman by Pat Ellsworth Wilson
  • Tommy Carr Interview by Chuck Harter. (LK)

June 1993: Cult Movies #7. When The Man Of Steal Came To Town, A ground breaking look at the personal appearances of George Reeves by Chuck Harter. (LK)

November 1993: Cult Movies Presents Superboy & Superpup. By Chuck Harter. An in depth look at producer Whitney Ellsworth and two unsold pilots. (LK)

May 1994: People Magazine. Fast Pase Lois. features Phyllis Coates. (LK)

May 1994: Scarlet Street #14. All Shook Up! Noel Neill and Jack Larson review Lois & Clark's remake of Panic in the Sky. Two episodes from different generations are compared. (LK)

July 1994: TAC #10.

  • Interview with Gerard Christopher by Brian McKernan
  • George Reeves' Pal, Jack Larson by Jack Larson.
  • How George Reeves Changed My Life by Kerry Gammill.
  • My Friend George by Art Weissman. (LK)

December 1994: STAR. Who Killed Superman? No substance, just a lot of speculating quotes from unreliable source pointing finger at Toni Mannix. (LK)

January 1995: Scarlet Street #17. Character Actor features Dabbs Greer. (LK)

January 1995: Flake Magazine. Corn Flakes with George Reeves. (LK)

March 1995: Remember magazine. The Mystery of America's Favorite Superhero by Michael J. Hayde. (LK)

May 1995: Comics Scene #51. Serial Hero. Tom Weaver interviews Walter Reed. (LK)

Jun 1995: Cult Movies #14. George Reeves: The Man, the Myth, the Mystery. Jan Alan Henderson looks at the tragic events leading to the death of George Reeves. A prolog to his Speeding Bullet: The Life and Bizarre Death of George Reeves. (LK)

December 1995. Unsolved Mysteries features a segment on the death of George Reeves with Jack Larson, Michael J. Hayde, Jim Beaver, and Jim Nolt. (LK)

February 1996: TAC #11.

  • On The Trail of George Reeves by Jan Alan Henderson
  • The Adventures that Preceded (Radio Years) by Brian McKernan
  • Happy Birthday, Little Ricky. Keith Thibodeaux by Lou Koza. (LK)

February 1996:TAC #12.

  • The Super Friends by Jim Bowers
  • A Miracle in Metropolis (imaginary story) by Linda Billo
  • Harry Thomas and the Mole-Men. Harry Thomas interview by Kerry Gammill. (LK)

February 1996: Hess's GLORY DAYS. Photo of George in the Superman costume serving salad with two Hess employees. Retrospect of the good old days at Hess's department store. (LK)

March 1996: Baby Boomers Collectibles #31. Televisions First Lois and Clark Expedition. Article on 50's Superman TV show. (LK)

March 1996: SFX British magazine. The Old Adventures of Superman. Article on 50's Superman TV show. I found this magazine in Heathrow Airport. Inside it had a photo of George. In my connecting flight to my next destination the plance encountered every turbulence pocket it could find. I firmly held on to the arm rests for dear life, my eyes focussed only on that photo of George, who I deemed my momentary guardian angel.. Hah, and all the while the entire plane full of passengers were singing wonderful Irish Folk songs together without a care in the world. Of course we were flying to Ireland, George's ancestrial homeland. (LK)

October 1996: Hollywood Kryptonite by Nancy Schoenberger and Sam Kashner. Not even the subject matter experts involved could help this book. (LK)

December 1996: The Adventures Continue 1997 Calendar by Randy Garrett and Jim Nolt. Wonderful illustration and historical events relative to the Adventures of Superman. (LK)

May 1997: TAC #13.

  • For George, For the Record by Jan Alan Henderson.
  • Setting the Record Straight by Jim Beaver.
  • Our Friend George. Interview with Queta Vacio by Chuck Harter. (LK)

May 1997: TAC #14.

  • Present at the Creation of Superman and the Mole-Men by Patricia Ellsworth Wilson.
  • Superman Comes To Television by Michael J. Hayde. (LK)

December 1997: The Adventures Continue 1998 Calendar by Randy Garrett and Jim Nolt. (LK)

December 1997: Famous Monsters of Filmland. The Face and The Voice

March 2, 1998: National Enquirer. Did Spurned Lover Kill Superman after Fake Accidents Failed? Includes excerpt quotes from Art Weissman leading reader to beleive it was Toni that could easily have slipped into the house because she had a key and replaced the blank cartridge with a live bullet to "get even.". It mentiones George planned to shock guest into believing he shot himself, playing "his bullet-proof Superman."  (Personally, this is rediculas to think George did not know the gun could ever be loaded with a live round, since two other bullet holes were found in the bedroom floor. In Leonore's statement to Chief Parker of LAPD during a long distance phone call to NY, she admitted to have fired the gun and made one of those holes in the floor a week prior June 16th, as reported in the newspapers at the time. The other bullet hole was never accounted for.) (LK)

June 1998: Scary Monsters Magazine. Super Monster Memories, A look at Superman and the Mole Men. (LK)

October 1998: Superman the Complete Story by Les Daniels. Features a section of the 50's Superman TV show. (LK)

November 1998: Superman on Television - 10 Year Anniversary Edition. An update to the first book, again by Michael Bifulco. (LK)

November 1998: FilmFax's Outre #14. Jack Larson, Superman's Pal. Jimmy Olsen, Speaks His Mind, Steve Randisi interviews Jack Larson. Jack and George are featured on the cover. (LK)

December 1998: TAC #15.

  • Memories of Uncle George. Interview with Alejandro Vacio by Chuck Harter.
  • Meet Randy Garrett.
  • A Brief Conversation with Dolores Fuller by Jim Nolt.
  • A No Holds Barred Talk With Jack Larson by Paul Mandell.
  • The Boy Who Would Be Superman by Jim Nolt. (LK)

March 1999: Speeding Bullet: The Life and Bizarre Death of George Reeves. By Jan Alan Henderson. To date, this is the definitive version of the tragic events surrounding the death of George Reeves. (LK)

May 1999: FilmFax #70, 71 and 72. Superman Comes to Television By Michael J. Hayde. The definitive version of filming the Adventures of Superman. (LK)

1990's date unknown: Death in Babylon. George Reeves: Man and Superman (LK)

November 2000: Biography magazine. The Mysterious Death of Superman. (LK)

December 2000: Starlog #?. A Test of Character Jeff Corey interview.(LK)

February 2001: National Examiner. Hollywood Murders,Was it Suicide? (LK)

July 2001: Los Angeles Daily News, Tuesday, 7/10/01. It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's 50 Years of TV's Superman. Features Armand Vaquer on the cover.It should be noted, Paul Levitz, then VP of DC Comics who also attented our celebration greatly appreciated seeing the Superman character featured on the front page of this newspaper. (LK)

August 2001: TAC #16.

  • Roughing It With Dad by Stephanie Shayne-Parkin.
  • Play It, George (George's appearance on the Tony Bennett Show) by Michael J. Hayde.
  • George Reeves - A Friendship and Remembrance. Interview with Walter Reed by Boyd Magers.
  • Trouble in the Old Home Town (imaginary story) by Stephan Brooks. (LK)

June 2002: Femme Fatales #7. From Africa to Metropolis. Features Phyllis Coates. (LK)

November 2002: Saving George Reeves. A CD tribute to the life of George Reeves by Lou Koza. (LK)

November 2002: Spaceman Lost. A fictional story by Michael Bifulco. An interesting look at the death of a 1950's television super hero personality. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. But we know who is who. (LK)

April 2003:Biography magazine. "Where Are They Now?" Well, we've always known the whereabouts of Mr. Jack Larson. And now subscribers with a passing interest and a fondness for the Adventures of Superman know that Mr. Larson aka Jimmy Olsen, is an accomplished playwright and librettist. Mr. Larson is working on his memoirs, although it is progressing slowly. "I haven't even gotten to the Superman years yet," Mr. Larson is quoted. Having the honor and privilege to be in the company of Mr. Larson several times, I can tell you he is a wealth of Hollywood stories. So I very much look forward to the day we can finally get to read his book. (LK)

June 2003: The Tougest Man Alive - Gene LeBell. This is a story of a legend. Includes stories with George Reeves.(LK)

June 2003: Autograph Times. Noel Neill The Original Lois Lane. By Larry Thomas Ward. Wonderful article featuring the Woman of Steel.(LK)

November 2003: Saving George Reeves II. A CD tribute further explores the life and death of George Reeves by Lou Koza. (LK)

May 2003: Truth, Justice and the American Way: The Life and Times of Noel Neill, The Original Lois Lane. By Larry Ward. An exceptional look at Noel Neill told with affection for the legion of loyal fans. (LK)

December 2003: Classic Images. Noel Neill: Lois Lane Goes West. Noel is featured on the cover. (LK)

December 2003: Shanda Fantasy Arts. By George Fictional story by Mike Curtis with artwork by Joe Staton and Ed Garcia. (LK)

March 2004: FilmFax Plus #101. Noel Neill: First Lady of Metropolis. Interviewed by Jan Alan Henderson. Also repeats Steve Randisi's Jack Larson Interview Remembering Superman. (LK)

September 2004: The Adventures of Superman DVDs produced by Mr. X, Randy Garrett, and Jim Nolt. This team went to great lengths to satisfy a hungry market for total uncut, zero time compression, best quality broadcasts episodes ever to be available. Proceeds went to The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. Editing to restore missing scenes is professional and second to none.(LK)

October 2004: Comic Book Marketplace magazine: No. 116. Bob Maxwell. Writer Will Murray provides an informative article about Mr. Robert Maxwell and his career before, during and after the Superman Radio / TV years. It would have been great if this could have been more than four pages. Just the same, a great article with a surprise to me where Bob Maxwell honed his writing skills prior to his Superman work. One interesting way to describe Mazwell's approach to Superman comes from this article. Maxwell believed in violence, uncompromising heroes and vicious sadistic bad guys. I think that describes the 1951 season pretty well. Interesting to note, in the following issue (no. 117) Will Murray returns with a letter to the editor giving detail to Robert Maxwell being no stranger to intolerance, as we know from his Superman and the Mole-Men script written with Whitney Ellsworth under the name of Richard Fielding. Through the Superman radio show Mr. Maxwell caused a stir with the KKK by continuous mentioning of code words on the radio show. As a result, the leader of the KKK vented spite on Kellogg's Pep with attempts to stop local seller from carrying the cereal product. Kellogg's stood its ground and refused to be intimidated. (LK)

November 2004: Starlog #328. Star Reporter. Tom Weaver interviews Noel Neill. (LK)

November 2004: The Fixers, by E.J. Flemming. Book. Extremely interesting look at Eddie Mannix and Howard Strickling and the efforts made to protect the MGM studio image. Chapter Six primary focuss is on the George Reeves case with contributions from Jack Larson and Jim Nolt. (LK) Can be purchased here.

June 2005: Wizard magazine, Mega Movie Issue. Article by writer Christopher Lawrence titled The Death of Superman. The article retells the mysterious events surrounding the death of George Reeves. For many of us it rings familiar as most of the information is gathered from Jan Alan Hendserson's Speeding Bullet and other sources. Mr. Lawrence spent six months educating himself on this subject and brought a fresh style of writing, which carefully weaves the various elements of this tragic case together. Most important, George's story is reaching a new audience through a very stylized WIZARD publication. Also nice to see Mr. Lawrence included the charity work of Mr. George Reeves. I suspect that is primarily due to our PR guy, Jim Nolt, who is quoted throughout the article. Article is 10 pages, includes a number of photos, two supplied but not credited by Lou Koza. (LK)

July 2005: Behind the Crimson Cape: The Cinema of George Reeves. By Jan Alan Henderson, Steve Randisi and Michael Bifulco. Who better to assemble a full film career of George Reeves than these three gentlemen. Combined their years of researching George Reeves adds up to 70 years of experience. Relive George's film career from Gone with the Wind to his last film, Westward Ho, The Wagons. The book contains many interesting facts, and an enormous collection of rare photos. Most notable is an extremely rare photo of George in an equally rare film short titled, The Last Will and Testement of Tom Smith. For Superman enthusiast, you'll be treated to Superman and the Mole Men, the assembled episodes for the 20th Century-Fox releases, Stamp Day for Superman, ultra-rare lobby cards and a gallary of never-before published photos of the 1957 Fair Tour with Noel Neill, Nati Vacio George's long-time friend and Gene LeBell, George's physical fitness trainer. (LK)

September 2005: National Examiner: It's a Plane, It's Lois Lane. Article and photos featuring Noel Neill. (Alfred Walker)

October 2005: The Adventures of Superman First Season. Warner Brothers release. Released to a mixed emotion filled fan base. Dispite some minor flaws, it's a must for all admires of this incredible show. Most notable is the substandard quality of The Stolen Costume and the ommision of PREVIEWS. Includes a sample of Kellogg's commercials. Commentaries from Gary Grossman and Chuck Harter. (LK)

October 2005: Shanda Fantasy Arts. Strange Visitor From Another Planet: An Adventure of George Reeves. In Strange Visitor we have George in an altered state of affairs, working for the Daily Planet as, who else? Clark Kent. How he transcends into this state and the events that unravel is quite interesting and a writing achievement for Mike Curtis. Exciting full page illustrations by pros Ed Garcia and Shawntae Howard. (LK)

October 2005: Cult Movies No. 41. What's Behind the Crimson Cape? By Jan Alan Henderson. Jan discusses the book he produced with Steve Randisi and Michael Bifulco.(LK)

January 2006: The Adventures of Superman Second Season. Warner Brothers DVD release. Around the World with Superman is missing an extraordinary rare scene in which Superman examines Ann Carson's eyes and My Friend Superman is missing a scene in which Tony the owner of a diner is installing a microphone beneath a table frequented by two crooks. And even though these DVD boxsets are designed for commercial free entertainment fans strongly desire to see the commercial "We'll Return to the Adventures of Superman in just a moment" bumper. Otherwise this boxset is a gem for fans of all ages. Documentary contributions from Paul Levitz, Allan Asherman, Gary Grossman and Jan Alan Henderson provide a well deserving tribute to the forever wonderful and lovely Noel Neill. (LK)

March 2006: Big Reel Magazine. Features Noel's 85th Birthday Celebration. Includes a photo of Lou Ferrigno of The Incredible Hulk fame meeting Terry Ryan of Australia. (LK)

March 2006: The Sirens of Cinema magazine Vol 2, #2 issue (with
King Kong on the cover) an article titled The Women of Television and Movies. features Noel. (LK)

June 2006: The Adventures of Superman Third and Forth Season. Warner Brothers DVD release. Two Documentary contributions (Color and Flying effects) from episode writer David Chandler, episodes special effects Thol "Si" Simonson, Jim Nolt, Jan Alan Henderson, Gary Grossman and John Field. (LK)

June 2006: Truth, Justice and the American Way: The Life and Times of Noel Neill, The Original Lois Lane - THE EXTENDED VERSION. By Larry Ward. An exceptional look at Noel Neill told with affection for the legion of loyal fans. Expanded version includes Noel's American Express commercial experience with Jerry Seinfeld, her 85th Birthday party and the many fans she's met over the years and much more. Includes many never before seen photos, B&W and color. (LK)

June 2006: Look, Up in the Sky. Warner Bros. DVD documentary of the Superman history. Includes TAoS segment followed by a brief and sad recognition of the tragic death of George Reeves. (LK)

June 2006: SUPERMAN RETURNS Stars Brandon Routh as Clark Kent / Superman, Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. Noel Neill and Jack Larson both have wonderful roles and performances. DVD information to follow. (LK)

June 2006: SUPERMAN RETURNS: The Visual Guide. A nice walk-through narrative of the film with explanations of the characters, locations, scenes and obkect right down to Superman's red boots. this very colorful book includes Noel and Jack. (LK)

July 13, 2006: New York Times. The Continuing Adventures and Movie Cameos of Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane. A heartwarming article featuring Noel Neill and Jack Larson. (LK)

July 2006: COMIC BUYERS GUIDE (Cover date Sept.) Supermans's Girl Friend - NOEL NEILL. Interview with Noel by Mike Curtis. Noel Neill, A Legenary Lois Lane, Noel interview by Tom Lasiuta. (LK)

July 2006: HOTDOG magazine. The Death Of George Reeves. Typical synopsis of the event of George's tragic death by this British import film magazine. Jan Alan Henderson provided some responses and quotes picked out of Speeding Bullet: The Life and Bizarre Death of George Reeves. It also mentions the upcoming film Hollywoodland and that it is largely based on the book Hollywood Kryptonite.According to source close to the film this is an untrue statement. (LK)

September 2006: COMIC BUYER's GUIDE, issue #1620. An interview with Noel Neill. Our good friend Mike Curtis does the honors. In Mike's owns words: "I made sure to ask her questions usually not covered, including several on the never filmed final season." Brandon Routh on the cover. (LK)

October 2, 2006: GLOBE, True Crime Exclusive. SUPERMAN WAS MURDERED. Ed Lozzi, a close friend of Toni Mannix is interviewed. Details deathbed confession of Toni Mannix. (LK)

October / December 2006, FilmFax #112. The Curse of Hollywoodland. Opposite opinions in the mysterious death of George Reeves provided by Gene LeBell (murder) and Jim Beaver (suicide) are featured. Jim gives insight to his own research and effort to compose his own biography of George Reeves. Gene discusses having seen George earlier in the day of June 15th, 1959. Gene provides his opinions about the bullet holes found in the floor of George's bedroom, his no doubt opinion of who shot George and explains the other bruises found on the body. (LK)

November 2006: The Adventures of Superman Fifth and Sixth Season. Warner Brothers DVD release. Documentary featuring Jack Larson with contributions from Noel, Jack, Jan Alan Henderson, Gary Grossman and Jim Beaver.(LK)

November 2006: The George Reeves The Adventures of Superman Companion Book by Peter Murano of Texas. This is an incredible look at the show only a true fan could express and readers to fully appreciate. Outstanding detail of episodes, the first to explore character guest star credits beyond just name regonition. Includes memorable lines, flying sequences, secret identity alerts, cars, apartments, assignments and much more. This book was in the works long before Warners started releasing the Adventures of Superman on DVD and with the release of both the book and the DVD's, the timing could not have been any better for Peter. Interesting to note is the Radio show style CD provided as a bonus with each book sold. Peter and his wife Elsa are a wonderful combo, giving insight and interesting facts about the series music scores and cues. My personal favorite was listening to the magnificent and energetic cues from The Golden Vulture. Listen for Peter's dead on impersonation of Peter Whitney's Captain McBain. Book also boast another marvelous illustration by Randy Garrett. You'll not want to put this book down. You'll have it by your side while watching all your episodes. You'll take it everywhere. You'll keep it on your night table while asleep. You'll love it. (LK)

June 2009: Flights of Fantasy by Michael J. Hayde. Published by Bear Manor Media. Definitive story of the Robert Maxwell radio and TV series Adventures of Superman, plus the years from 1953 to 1957. No true fan of the show should admit to not having this book. Sports a wonderful Randy Garrett cover. (LK) Can be ordered here.

Summer 2009: Films of the Golden Age, # 57. Cover Feature, George Reeves, The Man of Steel by Bruce Patience. Mr. Patience's article leans heavily on what has been told in the good number of books, magazines, television segments and web-sites over the years. A gloss-over of George's career and the circumstances involving his death, reiterating the three major theories, but with little detail or revelations. Includes a page feature for Virginia Carroll who appeared in the 1953 episode The Birthday Letter.(LK)

Fall 2009: FilmFax# 122. Superman's First Lois Lane: TV Noir amd More. By Anthony Petrovich. Click here to see 1st page. (LK)

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