The Adventures Continue

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Superman reads the winning letter.

Letters Worth

Reading Again . . .

Hello Jim,

I am very glad to here you are going to be all right. You are really something...there you are in the hospital and you still go to the trouble of keeping your George Reeves fans informed. Thanks. And I am sure this Superman family wish to thank you for so much you have done, and we all hope your truly all well again.

Over the years I have learned that my fascination with Mr. Reeves and Superman was a little more than a childhood thing growing up. I wish I would have realized that before I gave away all 300 of my 1960's Superman comics, thinking when I was fifteen years old it's time to start growing up. Not to mention their value today... but I really loved those comics. And so here I am, age 45, with the same feelings inside me about George Reeves and Superman. That's some impression Mr. Reeves made on me as an actor. The show always aired at 4:30 in Tampa, and everyday I could "feel" the time without even looking at a clock. I still feel it today and marvel at the show even if I see the same episode ten times. So I feel much better knowing there are people who are just as crazy about my favorite childhood television show... and really I don't know too many television shows today that gives me that same joy. Today, as an adult, I liked the humor in the Adventures of Superman, especially between "Mr. J. Blabbermouth Olsen" and the Chief... I mean Mr. White. I have noticed a lot of Superman and George Reeves fans also like Laurel and Hardy, Amos and Andy, Jackie Gleason, Twilight Zone, and the original Star Trek, so something must be right. It was all good stuff. Oh, one last thing Jim, I also like Superman for the astronomy parts, you know, the observatory scenes in "Panic in the Sky." I also like the first episode, "Superman On Earth," and others like "Divide and Conquer" because of the special effects.

Thank you again for so much you have done and for letting me bend your ear and eyes. Please take care.

Your friend,
Scott Loveday
November 9. 1999


Dear Jim,

I just finished reading Speeding Bullet and all the back issues of The Adventures Continue. All I can say is WOW! It's so nice to find others who appreciate George for the great actor he was -- not only in Superman but his other appearances as well.

Having turned 40 in January, I'm one of the "second generation" of fans who grew up with Superman in the 60s, and even at the age of six was in awe of this man who could not only make me believe he could "bend steel with his bare hands" but could be a very caring and gentle human being as well.

My admiration extends to the entire Superman family as well. Jack Larson's list of non-Superman accomplishments proves he is an all around consummate actor, writer, and librettist. I hope I have the pleasure of shaking his hand one day. I was always very touched by Jack's closing comments at the conclusion of one of the Superman festivals on WWOR a few years ago. Noel Neill and Phyllis Coates were both great Lois Lanes. Phyllis looks even better today than she did in 1951! The articles in TAC about Bob Shayne's memorial service was a beautiful tribute to a warm and kind person.

I agree with Jack in that I'm sure if George had lived to see his fans grow up he would be pleased that all his work has been truly appreciated by so many and would enjoy the love extended to the entire
Superman family by fans the world over. I'm very proud to say that I consider George Reeves and the Superman family to be positive role models for everyone.

Jim, keep up the great work and thank you very much for helping to keep George's memory alive. Take care and God bless.

Robbie Curlee
Barnwell, SC
May 17, 1999


Dear Jim,

I have an interesting story you might enjoy hearing. A couple years ago my alma mater, Illinois State University invited actor Jeff Corey to come to the university and stay in residence for a few months to offer some acting advice to students enrolled in the Theatre department, which is rather highly respected. At the end of his stay he gave a talk in one of the auditoriums one evening. I happened to attend that talk. His primary focus was on the blacklisting period in Hollywood during the early 50s. it was quite interesting, and at its conclusion a small reception was held for all who were interested in meeting him. Most every present was a student, except for a few instructors, so at 47 years of age, I felt somewhat out of place. I brought with me one of the trading cards from the Superman card set that was released back in 1965. It shows a scene from Superman and the Mole-Men in which Corey's character is confronted by Superman. When I approached Corey, and he saw the card, the first thing he said was "Well, there's old George!" I didn't want to sound maudlin, so I didn't ask about George's death. However, I did ask him what sort of man George was. Corey responded, "He was a great guy." I shook his hand and thanked him. It's probably the closest I'll ever come to George Reeves. Corey was in excellent health, considering the fact that he must have been around eighty-three or so when I saw him.

I'll not take up anymore of your time, but I did have one bit of trivia to report. At the end of "Mind Machine," you'll recall that Superman breaks into the shack where the Dr. Stanton is being held, just as Lou Cranek (Dan Seymour) is getting ready to use the machine on Lois Lane. In the fight scene that follows, at one point George is attacked head on by Ben Welden., whom we see from behind. George straight-arms him back to the camera, and he falls. If you look closely, you can see Welden crack the back of his head on a table as he falls, and begins to rub it in pain. It could have been quite a serious mishap.

Ken Dooley
Bloomington, IL
December 12, 1998


Dear Jim,

I received your parcel yesterday and was captivated by TAC #15. As usual, i appreciated the high literary standard of your magazine. It could be this is one of your best "adventures" yet. Some articles stand out. Chuck Harter's interview with Alejandro Vacio complements his mother's memories in the previous issue. But some of Alejandro's are vivid and direct as only those indelibly imprinted on a child's mind can be.

As you know, I have a special fondness for the character and bit part actors, and so, I devoured with relish Dolores Fuller's enthusiastic memories of her "one time stand" with Superman. Finally, I enjoyed your article and photographs concerning a very young Mr. Reeves and his stepfather, Frank Bessolo. As I looked at those pictures and at Mr. Bessolo, I sensed a gentleness; and I felt those halcyon days of yesteryear. Thank you for that.

Last but not least, I loved the sexy cover! And delighted in the happy naughtiness of the final sauna-bath photo. George's laughing face added the finishing touch to a classy publication. Quite a scoop, Chief. Lois Lane and Clark Kent couldn't have done a better job.

Jan Rekas BS(UNSW), MA (SYD)
Gold Coast, Australia
December 20, 1998


Dear Jim,

Thank you so much for publishing Ed's remembrance of the day he met George Reeves. Reading his description of that day only serves to reinforce my belief. Superman did not make George. Rather, George made Superman. The power George had to connect with his fans was far greater than any he possessed as the Man of Steel. Anyone who can make a child smile and feel important is truly super. And that was George Reeves.

Steve Harris
La Palma, California
December 7, 1998


Dear Jim,

I can only think of one word to describe TAC #15. BRAVO!!!

What a superb publication. It should be sitting on the shelves of Barnes & Noble and every other major book store. The interviews and stories were captivating, and the art work by Randy Garrett is exceptional. I had never seen those photos of George before. They are priceless particularly those of George as a child.

Everyone who contributed should be commended for their efforts. Thanks to you there is always something new to look forward to regarding George.

I will be sending you a check this week for George's birthday tribute. I hope enough readers will make a donation to reach the goal so we can continue to keep George's spirit alive on his 85th birthday.

Brad Shey
New York, NY
December 5, 1998


Dear Jim,

I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you enormously for sending TAC #15 and the back issues of TAC, Jr. so promptly. Once again you have outdone yourself. What a beautiful publication and very interesting and informative both are. I can hardly wait for TAC #16. Please keep me posted!

Here is my contribution to the George Reeves tribute planned for 1999. I hope sincerely that we meet the goal of $2,845 which is why I'm sending more than the suggested $15 per person which I consider a small back-payment considering the many hours of fun, excitement, and enjoyment I got from the Adventures of Superman in general and George Reeves in particular. I've often heard it said that an actor can ultimately play what is in themselves, therefore I know that George Reeves must have been truly special. The qualities that he gave to Superman -- compassion, caring, love of honesty and fairness, intolerance and anger towards evil and wrongdoers, love of youngsters -- surely reflected what was in George's own heart. That is what makes George's memory so everlasting and why I feel it is important to show the world that we have not forgotten this man. Heroes like George Reeves come once very hundred years or so. I feel very lucky to have benefited from the example he set.

A healthy and happy holiday season to you and your family and to all George Reeves fans everywhere.

Paul Leonetti
Brooklyn, New York
November 25, 1998 

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