From the Publisher of
The Adventures Continue
TAC, Jr. #42
May 23, 2000
Almost every day I learn something new about George Reeves and
Adventures of Superman. So often it begins as idle curiosity
on the part
of a reader of the web site and newsletter and ends up uncovering
trivia indeed. That's exactly what happened after Jack Thompson
sent me
e-mail last month. So that you can understand it fully, I'll
let you read
Jack's letter along with the response I got from Randy Garrett
when I
forwarded it to him.
~ Jack Thompson to Jim Nolt (April 24, 2000) ~
After watching the TV Land marathon, I noticed something in the
Machine" episode. Clark Kent is up on a hill, getting ready
to save a
runaway school bus, and way down below I spotted a very familiar
structure. Could this be the crumbling facade of Tara, sitting
on the RKO
backlot? The mansion is just too well framed in the shot. I was
wondering if
perhaps they did this as kind of an "inside" tribute
to Reeves, as this is
where he filmed his scene in Gone With The Wind twelve
years earlier.
I am familiar with this part of Culver City, and there are
oil wells visible
on the hill earlier in the episode. This leads me to believe
the scene was
shot on the hill above the RKO Forty Acres backlot. It definitely
would be a
location that wasn't too far away for the crew, as they utilized
the backlot
frequently. The only thing wrong with my theory is, I don't recognize
other structures down below. Not a one. What do you think? Know
that would know? I definitely watch television now with a different
set of
eyes than when I was younger!
Jack Thompson
~ Randy Garrett to Jim Nolt (April 25, 2000) ~
It's possible. I suppose that the structure Jack Thompson
saw in "Mind
Machine" was the remains of Tara. The oil well section was
indeed "on the
hill above the RKO Forty Acres backlot". Tara was torn down
in 1959 and the
aerial shot that I have of the backlot was taken in the early
1960's, so
it's impossible to be certain where it was located. The Atlanta
Station is readily identifiable, however, and was very close
to Tara as the
shot of David O. Selznick standing in an archway shows. I'm sending
an image
of the main streets of "Metropolis" with the hospital
from "Mole Men" (also
the Bayou Hotel) identified for reference. Also I've included
a picture of
Tara taken shortly before it was torn down. I'll rewatch "Mind
Machine" and
see what I think. If it is Tara, I'll bet it was just a coincidence.
I doubt
if the hectic pace of production in 1951 would allow time to
set up an
"inside tribute," but as I said, it's possible.

~ Randy Garrett to Jim Nolt (May 1, 2000) ~
Hi Jim,
It's me again. I wanted to tell you I studied "Mind Machine"
over the
weekend and I think Jack Thompson is exactly right. That is
Tara which can
be seen in the distance as Clark changes to Superman to catch
the runaway
bus. It would be highly unlikely for any other building in the
area to be
identical to Tara, same number of columns in the front and so
forth. I was
puzzled at first why no other buildings from Forty Acres were
especially the large Atlanta Railway Station which was nearby,
but as I
studied the lay of the land, It was obvious that the Tara structure
is on a
hill, standing above the rest of the lot, so the other buildings
are hidden
in sort of a valley. Anyway, Jack certainly has "sharp eyes"
to catch that
quick image on a TV screen. I have studied the earlier scene
of Lois and
Clark walking down the street and I can identify most of the
buildings and
where they were at Forty Acres, but I never even noticed Tara
in the later
I'm sorry to say I fell down on this e-mail from Ken Dooley.
I apologize for
that, but perhaps AMC will rerun the film and someone will alert
us to it
again the next time.
~Ken Dooley to Jim Nolt (May 13, 2000)~
Dear Jim,
I thought I was the biggest George Reeves fan in the world because
a day
doesn't go by that I don't think of him, but you are a treasure
trove of
information. I have to applaud your knowledge and familiarity
with so much
concerning this grand fellow.
I wanted to inform you of something you might like to see
on television this
coming week, so get the VCR fired up! I think it has to be John
finest hour, or I should say his finest thirty seconds, since
that's how
long the scene lasts. American Movie Classics is showing a western
Target on May 18 at 9:00 a.m. It was produced in 1952,
the year after the
first season of Superman episodes were filmed. After the
Second World War,
RKO produced a series of westerns, 29 in all, I believe, starring
Tim Holt
and Richard Martin. Each is about an hour in length, and they
are simply
wonderful. In this story Hamilton is a ranch owner who hires
Holt and Martin
as bodyguards to protect him from thugs. One day, while they
are away from
the ranch, Hamilton is forced to turn over his ranch and when
they return
Hamilton delivers a rant that would put Perry White to shame.
His intensity
in this scene is astonishing. I think even Holt and Martin were
taken back
by the force of his delivery. The scene is exactly 35 minutes
into the film,
so if you're not much of a western fan you can just fast forward
to the
scene I'm referring to. What a gifted actor this man was. I think
really appreciate his performance.
So long for now,
Ken Dooley
While we wait for John Hamilton to return in Target, John
Bogle has
informed me that The Great Lover will run on AMC next
Wednesday, May 31.
The Great Lover was directed by Alexander Hall and stars
Bob Hope, Rhonda
Fleming, Jim Backus, Roland Young, Roland Culver, and George
~ Steve Flax to Jim Nolt (May 19, 2000) ~
Hi Jim,
Remember that autographed George Reeves picture I wrote you about
a while
back? Well your readers might be interested to know that it's
now up for
auction in New York City at Christies on May 24th as part of
their "A
Century of Hollywood" sale. I've attached a copy. As you'll
recall it's from "The Golden
Vulture." Christie's has estimated its value as between
$2000 and $3000. As
item #7 it's in good company between items from the Howdy
Doody Show and
Lassie. In fact there's quite a number of interesting
items up! Here's the exact link at Christies.
Hoping this finds you well and keeping up all your good work,
Steve Flax
~ Peter Marino to Jim Nolt (May 23, 2000) ~
Here is an interesting and unusual fact for your next issue of
TAC, Jr. that
you may or may not be aware of:
My daughter purchased "Superman In The Sixties"
for my birthday last month.
One of the stories, published in 1962, is "The Sweetheart
Superman Forgot."
In it Clark/Superman exposed to Red Kryptonite. He loses his
powers and has
amnesia. So far, nothing new. The bizarre part occurs when Clark,
as Jim
White, enters a rodeo contest and is thrown off the horse and
paralyzed! We then see him in a wheel chair. I wonder if anyone
has brought
this back issue up to Chris Reeve? Were you aware of this coincidence?
As is my usual custom, I'll be taking time off from TAC, Jr.
during the
months of June, July, and August. Although part of the summer
will be spent
on getting the long overdue TAC #16 out and updating the web
site, I also
want to take some time to relax and have a little fun. What I'm
forward to most is taking riding lessons and going trail riding
again with
Gerri Shober. I've known Gerri for a number of years. She's an
rider and a good friend, and even though I learned a lot last
summer, she
still has much to teach me. I'm anxious to get back in the saddle.
See you in September (or before is something exciting happens).
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