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Published in the autumn of 1988, The Adventures Continue #2 carried an open letter from me inviting readers of the magazine to contribute a total of $1,700 for the George Reeves Memorial Fund, the purpose of which was to publish a full-page ad in Variety commemorating the 30th anniversary of George Reeves' tragic passing. Not only did the readers meet that goal, but there was enough left over to make a sizable donation to the California Chapter of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. Pat Ellsworth Wilson, daughter of Superman producer Whitney Ellsworth, has this disease, and George served as national chairman in the mid 50s. Since then, it was suggested that in the future, instead of mourning George's death, we remember and celebrate his wonderful life. I whole-heartedly agree.
On January 5, 1914 George Keefer Brewer Bessolo Reeves was born in Woolstock, Iowa to Helen Lescher and Don Brewer. Photos of young George and a brief description of his journey from Woolstock to Hollywood are included in The Adventures Continue #15, available October 23. To commemorate George's life and to let everyone know his achievements are appreciated and still remembered sixty years after his first big-screen appearance in Gone With The Wind and almost fifty years after the television premiere of the The Adventures of Superman, I'm proposing another full-page ad in Variety. The cost of the ad is $2,845 and will feature a photo of George Reeves and a complete list of all contributors. Contributors' names will also be listed on "The Contributors" page at this web site. If only 200 people contribute only $15 each, there will be more than enough to reach our goal. However, any contribution, no matter how small will help. And if we again exceed our goal, all additional money will be sent to the California Chapter of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation in George Reeves' name. When the goal is reached, all contributors will be notified of the date the ad will be published and how they can obtain a copy of Variety.