TAC, Jr. #23 From the publisher of The Adventures
November 3, 1998
1) TAC #15 HAS BEEN MAILED -- Last Monday John O'Neill and
I worked through the day to sort, package, and stamp TAC #15
for all those who ordered. On Tuesday morning I took all
the envelopes to the post office for delivery. If you haven't
received your copy, please let me know. I printed a few extra
copies, so if you'd still like one, check out the order
form. I've already received some very nice comments from
some of you. I appreciate them very much and wouldn't mind
even a few more.
2) 1999 GEORGE REEVES CALENDAR -- Several readers have
asked if a George Reeves calendar will be available for 1999.
I'm sorry to say that none has been planned. I was quite proud of
the 1998 calendar, but sales were not good. Pre-orders were
low, and many of the extra ones I had printed are still here
on my shelf. It takes a lot of time, energy, and money to
produce the calendar, so I thought it best to just let it pass
this year. Perhaps, if there are enough requests, one can be
done for 2000.
3) JACK LARSON INTERVIEW IN OUTRE -- Please try to find the
current issue "Filmfax Presents Outré"
magazine (#14). The cover sports a beautiful portrait of Jack
and George by artist Harley Brown, and inside your find an
interview with the very best Jimmy Olsen, Jack Larson. In
addition, there are several photos taken from the Adventures
of Superman. This is surely one issue you'll want in
your collection (before it turns up on the eBay Auction for
$30!) If your mail program can receive photo attachments, look
for the cover of Outré attached to this newsletter.

4) AND IN FILMFAX -- I haven't been able to locate a copy
yet, but the latest issue of Filmfax magazine carries
part one of Michael Hayde's "Superman Comes to
Television" which first appeared in TAC #14. For more
information on both Outré and Filmfax,
check their website.
5) SUPERMAN: THE COMPLETE HISTORY -- While you're at the
bookstore for Outré and Filmfax, don't pass
up Superman:
The Complete History by Les Daniels. This book is
terrific. It does indeed cover the complete history of
Superman from the days of Siegel and Shuster right up to the
US postage stamp that was issued a few weeks ago. The book
features a section on George Reeves and the Adventures
of Superman and includes photos of George's b&w costume,
photos from the series, and a color photo of Superpup. Oh, and
be sure to check the acknowledgements page carefully. (200
glossy pages, $29.95). I'll be adding this book to my
Recommended Reading page as soon as I
6) GEORGE REEVES BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE -- Several people have
already sent in contributions for the George Reeves birthday
tribute planned for January. The cost is high, but I can only
take the figure as a good omen -- $2845. Doesn't mean anything
to you? Well, to some it might be an "Unlucky Number"
-- two thousand, eight hundred, and forty-five. Just ask
Dexter Brown or Slippery Elm. Anyway, there's not much time
left to meet our goal. I know the holidays are approaching and
this probably isn't the best time to be asking for donations,
but if you can spare any amount, it will help and your name
will appear on the Contributors' Page at my website
and in the Variety ad itself.
7) NOEL NEILL'S BIRTHDAY -- Noel will turn 78 on November
24. If you'd like to express birthday wishes to her in the
form of a letter or card, I'll be happy to forward them for you.
Put your letter in a stamped envelope with Noel's name on the
front. Put that in another envelope and send it to me. Then,
when I get it, all I have to do is complete Noel's address and
drop it in the mailbox. I'm sure she'll enjoy hearing from
Update -- Update -- Update -- Update -- Update
-- Update -- Update
1) Just want to let you know that TAC, Jr. #23 brought a whole
bunch of responses. Many of you e-mailed pledges to support
the George Reeves Variety Ad. And if you check the
contributors' page daily, you can see how many people follow
through on their pledges. The biggest pledge so far is for $100.
This reminds me of the telethon in "The Clown Who Cried"
-- but nobody has yet sent in a pledge in an aquarium.
2) Also wanted to let you know that Gail and I will be
attending the Chiller Theater Toy and Film Convention in
Arlington, Virginia on November 20 - 22. Will any of you be
there? Celebrity guests will include Linda Blair, Lou Ferrigno,
Zacherle, Deanna Lund, Brinke Stevens, Frank Gorshin,
Mark Goddard, David Hedison, Marta Kristen, and others. To see
a complete list, check their web site at:
3) Many of you expressed your appreciation for Harley Brown's
portrait of Jack and George on the cover of Outré.
Wayne DiMaggio liked it so much that he bought the magazine
and scanned the cover himself. Then he removed all the
printing and corrected the color of George's eyes. What's left is
a beautiful portrait. He said he'd like others to be able to
have it, so I'll offer it to anyone who asks. This .jpg file
is 406KB, so it might take a few minutes to download. Wayne
did a beautiful job, however, and I think you'll enjoy seeing
it. If you want it, just ask, and I'll send it out to you.
----- The Adventures Continue . . . with George Reeves