Wolf — Epilogue by Tom
Based on the episode
of the same name from the Adventures of Superman

NOTE: I would caution the reader to bear in mind that this
episode was filmed more than 60 years ago. Since that time, many
changes have taken place in the lumber and paper industries, and
in the laws related to those industries, as well as the criminal
laws related to those industries. Enjoy!]
week had passed since Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen
returned from the Lone Pine Timber Company in Oregon, the wholly
owned subsidiary of the Metropolis Daily Planet which supplied
the newspaper with the pulpwood from which the paper used in the
newspaper was made. They were now in conference with the Planet’s
owner and Editor-In-Chief. As he had done more than a week
earlier, Perry White had asked Clark to lock the door to his
office, which the disguised Man of Steel had promptly done. As he
took his seat, his employer began,
of all, let me congratulate you for solving the mystery of the
so-called “Ghost Wolf” and preventing that wretch
Jacques Olivier from burning the whole forest down. Had he
succeeded, the Daily Planet might well have been forced out of
the three journalists grimaced in response, Perry smiled and held
up his hand. “Thankfully, however, Sam Garvin has informed
me that all of the lumberjacks and other personnel who had quit
were just as quick to return to work as they had been to leave
once they learned the truth! As a result, pulpwood and paper
production have both returned to normal!”
takes a lot of the pressure off of you, doesn’t it, Mr.
White?” Jimmy inquired, genuine concern written all over
his features.
touched, Perry smiled warmly at his youngest reporter, then
replied, “Not all of it, Jimmy, but most of it. Thank you
for asking, however! I appreciate your concern—I really
do!” As his two colleagues smiled appreciatively, the young
ginger’s face glowed with pleasure.
few moments later, Clark inquired, “What’s going to
happen to Jacques Olivier, Chief?”
lot’s going to happen to that schlemiel, Clark!”
Perry shot back, his face becoming stern, his eyes beginning to
blaze with understandable fury. “At the very least, he’ll
be facing charges of arson, plus multiple counts of attempted
murder—yours, Sam Garvin’s, and that of his now
ex-fiance, Babette DuLoque, the daughter of the man from whom I
bought both the forest and the lumber company!”

“That ought to get him a sentence of life
without parole!” Lois commented.
“But I heard
that Olivier was a Canadian citizen, just like Miss DuLoque,”
Jimmy objected. “Wouldn’t that have some bearing on
Olivier’s trial?”
“Your question is a
valid one, Olsen,” their employer, who was a trained lawyer
as well as a journalist, responded, “but in this case, the
answer is no. Canada’s laws in this regard, and the
criminal penalties involved, are virtually identical to those of
the United States. As a result, the Canadian authorities have
personally assured me that they will not interfere with Olivier’s
trial here in the United States!”
“That brings
up one point, Chief,” Lois put in. “What exactly was
Olivier’s motive in all of this?”
of the oldest motives in the book, Miss Lane – greed and
jealousy,” Perry replied. “Sam Garvin told me that
Olivier said that Babette had agreed to marry him, thereby giving
him a chance to own both the forest and the lumber company,
something he had long lusted after. He lied to Babette, telling
her that we had stolen both the forest and the lumber company
from her late father. He thought that he could persuade her to
file suit against the Planet to have the sale nullified as a
result. Sam, however, promptly set her straight on that score,
telling her that the sale was perfectly legitimate and that he
had personally deposited the money from the sale into her bank
account – something that apparently she had never taken the
time or the trouble to verify! When she realized that Sam was
telling the truth, she instantly turned against Olivier, thereby
frustrating his wicked plot – so he decided to kill her as
well as Sam. He also figured that the two of you, and probably
Clark as well, would perish in the forest fire he started!”

but he didn’t figure on Superman putting out the forest
fire – ” Then, flashing a grin in Clark’s
direction, he added, “Even if it did mean your suit got
soaked, Mr. Kent!”

Grinning himself in response, Clark replied,
“Not to worry, Jimmy—a trip to the dry cleaner’s
took care of that!”
“And if you’ll
submit the receipt for that cleaning to the Accounting
Department, Clark,” Perry added, “I’ll instruct
them to include a reimbursement for the expense involved in your
next paycheck!”
“Well, thank you very much!”
Clark replied with an appreciative smile.
His smile grew
even brighter when Lois commented, “You deserve it, Clark!
You did your fair share of work in this case just like the rest
of us!”
“Yeah!” Jimmy chimed in. With
that, the meeting broke up, and the four journalists set to work
writing the story of how the Metropolis Daily Planet had come so
close to being forced out of business, and of how, once again,
Superman had saved the day.
June 22, 2020 Jim