On several occasions George Reeves expressed gratitude for
the adulation he received from children for being their Superman,
but at the same time he also wished he had some adult fans. Well,
George just didn't live long enough to see his many young admirers
become the adult fans he hoped for... but someone else from the
series surely knows the love and joy today's adult fans have
for the Adventures of Superman. And that person is, of
course, Superman's girlfriend, Miss Noel Neill.
Everywhere she goes fans wait in
line (sometimes for hours) to shake her hand, see her smile,
and experience her gracious nature. Along the road followed to
promote her biography, Truth, Justice,
& The American Way: The Life and Times of Noel Neill, the
Original Lois Lane by Larry Thomas Ward, Noel left a
trail of smiling fans from California to New Jersey and back
again. The schedule she keeps would tire almost anyone, but Noel
moves forward with unwavering energy.
Here's what some of those fans have to say:
I met Noel at the Borders Book store in Mesa, Arizona in October,
2003. It was the evening before Noels scheduled appearance
as a speaker at graduation ceremonies at The University of the
Americas in Tucson. The turnout wasn't as large as at most of
her other appearances, and that made it kind of special. It was
almost like being able to have a one on one with Noel and Larry!
She was gracious and energetic, and the face and the voice were
the same as theyve always been... beautiful! I believe
another fan, Larry Schwab, was there that evening also. Anyway,
we all got pictures with Noel and autographed books. It was a
special evening for all of us there. (Mike Goldman - Scottsdale,
I met Noel last Halloween at the Chiller Theatre convention
in New Jersey. This was such a special event to me that I decided
to honor Noel by coming dressed at "Clark Kent". (It
helped that it was Halloween day.) To the best of my ability,
I wore the same kind of clothes and glasses as George had worn
during the series. Noel was very pleasantly surprised by my costume
and was an absolute delight to meet. She was soft-spoken and
very genuine. I don't know how she does it, but she really seems
interested in everyone she meets. It was a real thrill to meet
her and to get my picture taken with her too.
(Steve Brant, who grew up watching The Adventures of Superman
on WPIX-TV in New York City)
I met Noel Neill in New Jersey at the Chiller Theatre in November
1, 2003. It was such a honor to meet a "star" from
one of my favorite childhood television shows. I had never experienced
anything like that before in my life. Inside I was shaking but,
after speaking with her, I quickly relaxed. She such a warm,
friendly, caring, and very out going person . It's so easy to
see why she is so loved by me and so many of her fans. I enjoyed
reading her book Truth, Justice &
The American Way, by Larry Ward. Noel has shared so much
with us and is truly a one of a kind. She takes the time to write
her fans. When she heard I was going to try and go to New Jersey,
a week or so before the show, she took the time to e-mail me
a letter and told me she would love if I could join her at dinner
with Larry, Jim, and Lou after the show. How great was that?!?!
Lois Lane wanted me to dine with her! You can be sure that's
one e-mail message I will always keep. I wish only the best for
her as she is a wonderful lady. (George McGaffin - Milford,
I first met Noel at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Building
in Los Angeles at the "Superman
Week" celebration on July 10, 2001, and was immediately
impressed by her high-octane energy. She is a very gracious lady
and has a very sharp wit about her. DC Comics and the Adventures
of Superman are very lucky to have Noel as an ambassador
out promoting the show. I wish we could get her (and Jack Larson)
a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Unfortunately, the stars
are $15,000 each and there's no guarantee (even if one is able
to raise the funds) of getting one (maybe Seinfeld can come to
the rescue?). Star or no star, Noel Neill is tops in my book!
(Armand Vaquer - Tarzana, California) |

Mayor Michael Antonovich (LA County Board of Supervisors) and
Noel Neill at "Superman Week" on July 10, 2001.
I met Noel at the November, 2003, convention in Rutherford,
New Jersey. What stood out most for me was what a down to earth,
personable lady Noel is. She was very friendly and interesting
and I was thrilled when Larry took my picture with her. However,
my real thrill came a couple of weeks later when Noel
e-mailed me that she had the picture of us together and that
if I gave her my address she'd mail it to me. Well, I gave it
to her and a few days later I had the photo. I felt so flattered
and honored. After all, how many stars out there would bother
to be so nice and do that for a fan. Noel is one in a million.
I am so glad I had the pleasure of meeting such a wonderful person,
and it made my childhood memories even more special because now,
every time I watch Superman, I will always feel lucky
that I had the opportunity to meet Lois Lane herself. And she
met me! So I was finally able to let her know how much she is
really admired and what an inspiration she is.
(Philip Pitta - Jersey City, New Jersey)
I had the rare privilege of meeting Noel a few months back
at a book signing in San Francisco. It was a fairly small shop,
but a well-attended affair and you could feel the enthusiasm
of everyone there. They were mostly folks in my age group, but
a few younger folks as well. Noel had obviously experienced a
long day what with her busy signing schedule, but being the (obvious)
trooper she is, she came alive with impressive energy, enthusiasm
and great charm once the proceedings got under way. I must say,
there is something almost surrealistic at looking up and meeting
the gaze of someone you've grown up watching for over half a
century, moreover someone who is so intricately woven into the
fabric of a mythology like that of the Adventures of Superman.
She graciously spoke to me for a few moments, autographed my
copy of her biography, and then went about the business of answering
questions I'm sure she had heard a thousand times before but
which she approached with freshness and enthusiasm. It was wonderful
not only to meet her, but to watch her in action as well. A very
memorable experience. (Bruce Dettman - San Francisco, California)
And here's Bruce in his younger days....

Between 1978 and 1983 I lived in Dubuque, Iowa. Unfortunately,
I can't pinpoint the exact date other than between those years,
but during that time Noel Neill was a guest in Dubuque and spoke
to a group at a church in the downtown area. She was quite gracious,
and her appearance, if I recall correctly, included a showing
of "The Wedding of Superman." I didn't personally spend
any time with her other than to say, "Hello" but I
soaked in the information she presented. If I correctly recall
the audience, it was largely parents with small children who
obviously had no clue who this woman was or why they had been
dragged to this church. I suspect the parents brought their kids
along so as not to appear "foolish" to want to meet
a star from a television series of their own childhood. But foolish
it was not. It was a wonderful and exciting experience. (Gary
Emenitove - Omaha, Nebraska)
More "Tales of Wonder"
Miss Noel Neill |