Mysterious Cube — Epilogue
by Tom Nichol
based on the episode of the same name from
the Adventures of Superman
NOTE: In reading this story, it’s important to remember
that at the time this episode as filmed, the penalties and legal
procedures involved were somewhat different than they are now.
With that said, I hope you enjoy my efforts!]
A week had
passed since the events concerning a huge, mysterious cube had
culminated in the arrest of master criminal Paul Barton, his
younger brother Steve, and their assistant Jody Malone. The cube
had been constructed by unknown means for the express purpose of
housing Paul during his seven-year bid to be declared legally
dead, thereby enabling him to escape prosecution for a number of
criminal charges on both the State and Federal levels, including
espionage. The plot had failed, however, when Superman had
successfully persuaded Federal authorities to temporarily speed
up the time signals from the atomic clock at the Arlington Naval
Observatory to the point that the clock inside the cube was ten
minutes fast when Paul had finally emerged from the cube, thereby
allowing his arrest on the grounds that he had been found while
he was still legally alive. The Barton brothers, as well as Jody
Malone, were now housed in the maximum security area at the
Federal Penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
whole affair was now being discussed at Perry White’s
office at the Metropolis Daily
Planet. Perry, Lois
Lane, Clark Kent, Jimmy Olsen, and Inspector William J. Henderson
of the Metropolis Police Department were talking over the capture
of the three criminals in an attempt to determine how best to
follow up on the story of the three men’s arrest. Jimmy
brought up the first major point. “Why are these guys being
held at Fort Leavenworth, anyway?”

White, a trained lawyer as well as the owner and publisher of the
Planet, explained: “You need to remember, Jimmy, that Paul
Barton stands accused of a number of Federal as well as
state-level offenses, including espionage. By assisting him in
his bid to escape prosecution, his brother Steve, as well as Jody
Malone, have legally made themselves his accomplices. The legal
term for that is, ‘accessories before, during, and after
the fact’. As a result, they’ll face the same
criminal charges—and penalties—as Paul Barton

be tried on the Federal charges first,” Henderson put in,
“by mutual agreement between the U.S. Attorney’s
office and our own local District Attorney’s office.’
“How come?” Lois inquired.

bet I can answer that one, Mr. White!” Jimmy piped up.
“And just what would that answer be, Mr. Olsen?”
Perry shot back with a slight smile, raising an eyebrow at the
same time.
“Because the Federal penalties are
stiffer than the State penalties—at least, in this case!”
the young cub reporter replied.
“Oh, come on,
Jimmy!” Lois scoffed.
“No, Lois, our Mr.
Olsen is exactly right on this one!” her employer
responded. “It’s a standard practice in such cases to
prosecute whichever offenses carry the harshest penalties first,
whether they be State or Federal.”
Federal penalty for kidnapping the two of you alone is death by
electrocution,” Inspector Henderson added, “and so is
the penalty for espionage!”
Lois and Jimmy, who had
been kidnapped by Steve Barton in a desperate effort to force the
Man of Steel not to intervene in the case, nodded grimly in
response. The attempt had failed, however, as Superman had
rescued the two of them more than an hour before Paul Barton had
emerged from the cube.
Jimmy, who was an amateur
scientist, brought up the next remaining point: “What about
that cube, Mr. White? Did they ever figure out what it was made
Perry White, an amateur scientist in his own
right, answered, “Not to my knowledge. Clark, did Superman
have anything to say on this subject?”
disguised Man of Steel shook his head glumly. “I’m
afraid he’s as much in the dark as the rest of us, Chief,”
he replied.

this point, Inspector Henderson added, “Much as I hate to
say this, I’m afraid it’s extremely doubtful that
we’ll ever find out. Clark told us that Steve Barton told
Superman that the scientist who devised the alloy that cube is
made of ‘isn’t with us any more.’ Subsequent
investigation indicated that the Bartons not only murdered the
poor man, but destroyed all of his research notes on the subject
as well! For national security reasons, the FBI has taken charge
of the cube and its contents. While there was a small amount of
the acid Paul Barton used to burn through the cube so that he
could escape, the FBI feels that it won’t be much help, if
any, in determining the alloy’s composition. Superman
himself told us that even he might never be able to solve the
mystery – and, as you probably know, his father, Jor-El,
was the greatest scientist that Krypton ever had! Nuff said?”
The others nodded.
“So what happens next,
Perry?” Lois asked, beginning the process of winding up the

case will still have to go before a Federal Grand Jury, Lois,”
her boss replied. “Once the appropriate indictments are
handed down, the case will be scheduled for trial. I’m
hoping the charges against all three men will be consolidated, so
that only one trial will be held. One thing you can be sure of
however: The case against all three of these schmucks is
air-tight. Whether they like it or not, they’re headed for
a date with a Federal electric chair!”
was exactly what happened. Despite the best efforts of their
defense lawyers, Paul Barton, Steve Barton, and Jody Malone were
tried on a variety of Federal charges, including murder,
kidnapping, and espionage. The jury took less than an hour to
convict all three men, who were then firmly sentenced to death. A
year after their conviction, after all of their appeals had been
exhausted, Paul Barton, Steve Barton, and Jody Malone all died in
turn in Fort Leavenworth’s electric chair, thus bringing
the case of the mysterious cube to a close.
March 3, 2020 Jim