Ghost For Scotland Yard — Epilogue by
Tom Nichol
Based on the episode
of the same name from the Adventures of Superman

NOTE: In reading this story, please bear in mind the length of
time since it was filmed, and the many differences between the
legal codes, and the criminal court systems, of Great Britain and
the United States. Despite the undeniably somber tone of this
epilogue, I hope you find reading it to be worthwhile.]
had been a full week since Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen had
returned from their European trip. The trip had proven longer
than expected, for it had required a three-day layover in England
to resolve a case involving a magician named Ivor Bolling
Brockhurst, who had supposedly been struck and killed by a truck
some five years earlier. Shortly before that time, Brockhurst had
publicly boasted that his greatest magic trick would be to cause
his ghost to re-appear five years after his death.
it turned out, however, while Brockhurst had indeed re-appeared,
he had, in fact, turned out to be very much alive, and had come
frighteningly close to murdering not only his former manager, Sir
Arthur MacCready (who was an old friend of Perry White, owner and
editor of the Metropolis Daily
but also Jimmy and Inspector Farrington of Scotland Yard. The
former stage magician, said to be the greatest illusionist of his
time, had used a film image of his face, projected on the clouds,
to frighten Sir Arthur into having a near-fatal auto accident.

Only Superman’s timely appearance had
prevented Sir Arthur, who had fainted at the sight of the image,
from driving his Rolls Royce over a cliff. A short time later,
the now elderly magician had attempted to commit suicide by means
of a short-fused time bomb, taking Sir Arthur, Superman, the
Inspector, and Jimmy Olsen with him.

this plot had also failed, as the Man of Steel managed to throw
the bomb up through the roof of the barn where Brockhurst had
been hiding only two seconds before the device had exploded. The
elderly illusionist, who had long hated everyone, and especially
Sir Arthur, was now safely in the custody of Scotland Yard,
awaiting trial on a number of criminal charges.
Now, a
week after Clark and Jimmy’s return, the two journalists,
along with Lois Lane, were discussing the case with Perry in his
private office.
“I just heard from Sir Arthur,”
the editor informed them. “He sent word to ask you, Clark,
to convey his thanks to Superman for saving his life and that of
young Olsen here. Can you take care of that for us?”
disguised Man of Steel smiled and nodded his head. “No
problem, Chief,” he asserted. “That reminds me,
though—have you heard from Scotland Yard yet as to what’s
going to happen to Brockhurst?”
“Yes, I
have,” Perry replied. “They told me that Brockhurst
is currently undergoing a thorough psychiatric evaluation, in
order to determine whether or not the man is competent to stand
trial. If he is, he’ll most likely be headed for the
gallows for the murder of John Rocker, the lorry driver he
impersonated over the last five years, after making it appear
that Rocker had killed him!”
if he’s not?” Lois piped up.
“In that
case, he’ll be confined to what we here in America would
call a ‘hospital for the criminally insane,’”
her boss (who was a trained lawyer as well as a journalist)
“Personally, I’d say that’ll
be the more likely outcome,” Clark commented.
agree, Chief,” Lois put in. “Everything I’ve
read about the man indicates that he hated and threatened
everyone he knew!”
Jimmy added,” and especially Sir Arthur MacCready. Sir
Arthur was his manager, and helped Brockhurst build his
reputation until he was at the top of his profession, and a
wealthy man in his own right! It just doesn’t make sense!”
“No, it doesn’t,” Perry agreed. “Based
on what I’ve read and heard from the MacCreadys, while I
make no pretense of being a psychiatrist or psychologist, I’d
classify the man as what we would refer to as a paranoid
schizophrenic, in addition to having a world-class persecution
complex. No matter what the formal diagnosis may turn out to be,
however, I think we can all agree that Ivor Brockhurst is an
extremely dangerous man—too dangerous, in fact, to ever be
allowed to walk the streets as a free man again!”
the others nodded their agreement, the phone rang. The caller
proved to be Inspector Farrington of Scotland Yard. He reported
that the psychiatrists who had examined Brockhurst had reached
exactly the same diagnosis as Perry. As a result, the man who had
formerly been considered the greatest magician in the world had
been ordered to be confined to a psychiatric hospital for the
rest of his life, with no chance of ever being released. In the
unlikely event that he ever recovered sufficiently to be
considered competent to stand trial, he would summarily be
charged with the premeditated murder of John Rocker—in
which case, he would go straight to the gallows if he were
After thanking the Inspector and hanging up the
phone, Perry relayed the information to his three subordinates.
As they rose to return to their desks and begin writing up the
story, they noticed that their employer was shaking his head
sadly. Concerned, Jimmy quietly asked, “Is something wrong,
Mr. White?”
“Yes, in a way, Olsen,” the
editor replied softly. “As you yourself pointed out just
now, Ivor Brockhurst was one of the greatest stage magicians who
ever lived. Yet, despite his success as a performer, his personal
life went wrong—terribly, horribly, miserably wrong! He
refused to allow anyone to help him or understand him. In fact,
Jimmy, as you told me earlier, he actually boasted about that
fact! I can’t think about this case without remembering the
last two lines of a poem I read many, many years ago!”
lines are those, Chief?” Clark asked, his own brow furrowed
in concern. In response, the editor of the Daily
Planet took
a deep breath, then said:
of all the sad words of tongue or of pen, The saddest are
these: ‘It might have been!’”
Nodding their heads in understanding, the three
reporters quietly left their employer’s office and returned
to their own desks to compose what perhaps would be the saddest
account ever to be published by the Metropolis Daily Planet.
June 17, 2020 Jim