From The Editor...
April, 2000
Recently David Cassells told me he named his daughter Kara
and asked if any other readers named their children or pets after
Superman-related characters. I told him I had a dog named Sam
(George's schnauzer was called Sam) and a parakeet named Schuyler
(from "The Whistling Bird"). Other readers sent these: |
1. John Bast's e-mail name is "gcgjohn." The "gcg"
stands for "Great Caesar's Ghost"
2. Armando Alvarez suggests his name could be "Don"
Alvarez ("The Man Who Could Read Minds")
3. Don Wurzelbacher wrote:
In regards to asking people about information on family names
dealing with Superman, I wanted to let you know that my entire
family is somehow related to Superman by either choice or coincidence.
I named my second child "Kara" (Supergirl). She has
long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks a lot like Supergirl.
My son's name is Kirk Allan. (Kirk Alyn). My youngest daughter
is Nina Terese. (Terese is for Teri Hatcher). My oldest daughter
was born on September 25th (Christopher Reeve's birthday). My
middle name is Joseph and my wife's maiden name is Schuster.
(Joe Schuster was a co-creator of Superman). How's that for a
3. Bobby Ryan has a dog named Corky ("The Dog Who Knew

But the big news today is the upcoming Adventures of
Superman marathon scheduled for TV Land. The first episode
airs at 6:00 a.m. on April 15, and the last at 5:30 a.m. on April
17. (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving Time.) I have not
yet heard anything about a regular time slot for the series.
According to my information, the following episodes will be shown
during the marathon:
April 15 -- 6:00 a.m.
"Superman On Earth"
"Case Of The Talkative Dummy"
"The Birthday Letter"
"Mind Machine"
"Secret Of Superman"
"No Holds Barred"
9:00 a.m.
"The Stolen Costume"
"Treasure Of The Incas"
"The Unknown People I"
"The Unknown People II"
"The Big Squeeze"
"Shot In The Dark"
12:00 noon
"Superman In Exile"
"The Dog Who Knew Superman"
"The Face And The Voice"
"The Man In The Lead Mask"
"Panic In The Sky"
The Boy Who Hated Superman"
3:00 p.m.
"Around The World With Superman"
"Superman Week"
"Great Caesar's Ghost"
"Flight to the North"
"King For A Day"
"Peril By Sea"
6:00 p.m.
"Topsy Turvy"
"Jimmy The Kid"
"The Wedding of Superman"
"Dagger Island"
"Jolly Roger"
"Tomb of Zaharan"
9:00 p.m.
"Prince Albert Coat"
"Mr. Zero"
"Whatever Goes Up"
"Mysterious Cube"
"The Superman Silver Mine"
"The Big Forget"
April 16 -- 12 midnight
"Superman's Wife"
"The Brainy Burro"
"Perils Of Superman"
"All The Glitters"
"Superman On Earth"
"The Case Of The Talkative Dummy"
3:00 a.m.
"The Birthday Letter"
"Mind Machine"
"The Secret Of Superman"
"No Holds Barred"
"The Stolen Costume"
"Treasure of the Incas"
6:00 a.m.
"The Unknown People I"
"The Unknown People II"
"The Big Squeeze"
"Shot In The Dark"
"Superman in Exile"
"The Dog Who Knew Superman"
9:00 a.m.
"The Face And The Voice"
"The Man In The Lead Mask"
"Panic In The Sky"
"The Boy Who Knew Superman"
"Around The World With Superman"
"Superman Week"
April 16 -- noon
"Great Caesar's Ghost"
""Flight To The North"
"King For A Day"
"Peril By Sea"
"Topsy Turvy"
"Jimmy The Kid"
3:00 p.m.
"The Wedding Of Superman"
"Dagger Island"
"Jolly Roger"
"The Tomb Of Zaharan"
"Prince Albert Coat"
"Mr. Zero"
6:00 p.m.
"Whatever Goes Up"
"The Mysterious Cube"
"The Superman Silver Mine"
"The Big Forget"
"Superman's Wife"
"The Brainy Burro"
9:00 p.m.
"Perils Of Superman"
"All That Glitters"
"Superman On Earth"
"Case Of The Talkative Dummy"
"The Birthday Letter"
"Mind Machine"
April 17 -- 12 midnight
"Secret Of Superman"
"No Holds Barred"
"The Stolen Costume"
"Treasure Of The Incas"
"The Unknown People I"
"The Unknown People II"
3:00 a.m.
"The Big Squeeze"
"Shot In The Dark"
"Superman In Exile"
"The Dog Who Knew Superman"
"The Face And The Voice"
"The Man In The Lead Mask"
Read other pages "From The Editor."
January, 1999
February, 1999
April 18, 1999
June16, 1999
October, 1999
January, 2000 |