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George Reeves Birthday Tribute

Welcome to the "From The Editor" page of The Adventures Continue. It is here you will be able to get information about ongoing projects such as progress on the George Reeves Birthday Tribute, comments from readers, and any other bits of information I pick up from time to time.

February 8, 1999

Today is Jack Larson's birthday. Earlier this afternoon, on behalf of all the readers of The Adventures Continue, I phoned Jack to wish him a Happy Birthday. We had a nice chat, and he was delighted we remembered.

Several readers had these remarks about this special day.

Dear Jim,

Well done! An entire generation of young people vicariously lived in the world of Superman thanks to Jack's strong, convincing (and often very humorous) performances. It was a world where right and wrong were clearly defined, and it helped our generation cope with life's later difficulties, even when we didn't realize it. Scores of television shows have come and gone, but the Adventures of Superman continues to resonate, part of the larger history of a character that continues to captivate the American
imagination. Jack is the one who made Jimmy convincing in that landmark television series. His performances will be enjoyed as long as there are people to be entertained by moving images.

Brian McKernan
Editorial Director, Videography, Television Broadcast, Television Broadcast
Europe, and Government Video (Miller Freeman PSN Inc.)


Jim, Jeepers!

How is it possible that Mr. J. "Blabbermouth" Olsen is sixty-six years old??? It's really unbelievable ... partly because his personality is that of a much younger man, and partly because I can't believe that I'm almost fifty myself! Spring keeps melting into summer, doesn't it, my friend?

Randy Garrett
Franklin, TN

(Randy seems like an awfully nice guy ... but I wonder if he's related to Lank Garrett.)



Thanks for doing such a great job with your web site. I was talking with some high school friends the other day (class of '66) about the show which was running in the 6:00 pm time slot in Columbus in '65-'66. We recalled that a sleeveless sweater was known locally as an "Olsen" and "could be, Lois"
(spoken by Clark in which episode I don't remember) became a catch phrase to reply to someone who stated something obvious.

Best wishes and thanks again,

Joe Fusco
via the Internet

Read other pages "From The Editor."
January, 1999
April 18, 1999

 "Like The Only Real Magic -- The Magic Of Knowledge"