And now, another
exciting episode in the
Adventures of Superman...
5, 1951:
the cast and crew have the day off…
"Adventures of Superman" was a pioneer in TV
broadcasting. When the cast and crew began, they were not at all
sure how they were going to accomplish their lofty goals. Always
keeping their budget in mind, they innovated as they went along.
Superman in flight is animated in "Superman and the
Mole-Men." Then, "The Haunted Lighthouse," perhaps
the first episode to be completely assembled, shows their first
attempt to depict human flight. And here, in this clip from "The
Human Bomb," Superman performs an in-flight rescue. There
are those who criticize the production crew for these "flaws"
of the past. Instead, they should be applauded. For had Maxwell
and all not been willing to experiment and forge ahead... to put
those "flawed" images out there... we'd have nothing.
And what a shame that would be.
from “The Human Bomb”
Monday August 6, 1951
August 4, 2021