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other boys and girls across the nation and around the world. In 1954, after weeks of begging I suppose, my mother agreed to part with 50¢ and a Kellogg's boxtop so that I could send away for the "official Superman t-shirt" I had seen offered on the Adventures of Superman. When it arrived, weeks later, I looked at it with awe. It was beautiful! A blue shirt with that beautiful red "S" right on the front. What more could I ever want! I think about this now because spring will soon return to Pennsylvania. And it was in those spring and summer days so many years ago that I found my greatest happiness flying into the outer reaches of space to ward off dangerous asteroids, battling the many hoodlums and strong-arm men that menaced the city, and helping little girls regain their eyesight. Those were the days. But what about today? Often the readers of these pages and The Adventures Continue magazine ask about my life today. Some of you know a lot about me, some very little. So I thought this page would be a good opportunity to bring everyone up-to-date. I'm 54 years old (as I write this on February 10, 2001). For nearly thirty years I taught elementary school children in the Ephrata Area School District. I loved those years. Most of the children who passed through my classroom were great kids. In fact, I continue to have contact with many of them. And one in particular writes often. We occasionally have dinner together. During those same thirty years I was married. Unfortunately, that marriage ended last April, but it continues to provide me with many great memories. From it came a wonderful daughter, Lisa, who is now herself married and the mother of two, a boy and a girl. I'm currently living alone and working in the offices of Substitute Teacher Service in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. STS is basically a temp agency specializing in providing substitute teachers to local school districts. I work a split shift... 5:30 to 9:30 a.m. and then again from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Now that doesn't allow for many hours of nighttime rest, but I manage. No matter how amicable, divorce takes it toll. I'm not especially fond of living alone, and the wages I make at STS today take me back to those days of the mid 50s, when money was scarce. In the years I've been publishing TAC, many of you wrote to thank me... saying that at one time you thought you were the only ones who appreciated George Reeves and the Adventures of Superman. Truth is, for many years I too thought I was the only one, and I always hesitated to reveal my interest in the series. It was a relief to learn otherwise. So I'd like to end by sharing these... some examples of poetry I've written recently. In the past I threw most of it away... believing no one would be interested in reading it. Perhaps I was wrong about that too. But hey, it's almost spring... time to check the stitching on the towel, set up the office, and begin new adventures. Hope yours are all happy ones. Jim Read past pages "From The Editor." |