From The Editor...
June, 2000
It's 11:06 pm, June 15, 2000, and I'm sitting at the computer
in my apartment in Lititz. It's hard to believe, but forty-one
years ago and three thousand miles away George Reeves was living
the last few hours of his life. What happened that night and
in the early morning hours of the following day is a mystery...
a mystery that will forever haunt those of us who continue to
love him and all he did to entertain us and shape our lives.
George Reeves is not forgotten... his work is admired
by adults as well as children... and no matter what happened
that night so long ago and far away, the memory of the man with
the beautiful smile and gentle ways will live in our hearts forever. |
A couple items of interest have come to my desk, and I'd like
to share them with you. First, if you read TAC,
Jr. #42, you know that John Hamilton is in a movie called
Target that recently ran on AMC. Ken Dooly wrote in part:
In this story Hamilton is a ranch owner who hires Holt
and Martin as bodyguards to protect him from thugs. One day,
while they are away from the ranch, Hamilton is forced to turn
over his ranch, and when they return Hamilton delivers a rant
that would put Perry White to shame. His intensity in this scene
is astonishing. I think even Holt and Martin were taken back
by the force of his delivery. The scene is exactly 35 minutes
into the film, so if you're not much of a western fan you can
just fast forward to the scene I'm referring to. What a gifted
actor this man was. I think you'll really appreciate his performance.
Well, Steve Jensen and Carroll Hall were the first of many
who wrote to tell us that Target will repeat on American
Movie Classics on Friday, June 23 at 6 a.m. Eastern time.
I am so thankful for all of you who act as my eyes and ears...
catching many things I'd surely miss. Delmo Walters recently
brought this to my attention:
Dear Jim,
I doubt you read the Comics Buyer's Guide since you're
not a regular purchaser of comics but, there's a comic book writer
named Mark Evanier who writes a column called POV(Point of View).
In the 6/9/00 issue, #1386, he asks readers to watch, or tape
"The Mysterious Cube" (when it airs on TV Land) for
a discussion of it in an upcoming column. I thought I'd let you
know so you could pass it on to the readers who don't get the
CBG. I'm sending the part of the column where he mentions the
episode. When the later column appears, I'll let you know. If
you want, I can scan it & e-mail it to you. Here's his e-mail
address in case you'd like to talk to him:
Mark Evanier's column of June, 9, 2000
Next topic! The TV Land cable channel has started runnung
the old George Reeves Adventures of Superman shows very
early on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'd like you all to keep
an eye out for one specific episode. It's called "The Mysterious
Cube" and it originally aired during the last season of
the program. (It's the one where a crook, trying to avoid being
put on trial for murder, arranges to have himself sealed in a
big cube for seven years.)
TV Land started running the series from Show #1, and they've
been going more-or-less in sequence, so it may be a while before
they get to "The Mysterious Cube." On the other hand,
it's a very sneaky channel. It's been known to hop about or to
suddenly schedule marathons -- so you never know. If I find out
for sure when it's going to air, I'll publish that info here.
Now why -- you may ask -- am I singling out this one episode?
Well, I have a homework assignment for regular readers of this
column -- however few of you there may be.Whenever it airs, I'd
like you to tape it. You don't have to watch it just yet -- but
tape it. Shortly after it airs, we'll be running a discussion
of that episode in this spot and you may want to view it then
as a Study Aid.
Just trust me on this. I haven't asked you for much.
In the meantime, if you already have that episode on tape,
keep it handy. And, if you wouldn't mind making me a dupe of
it, use the address at the end of this PoV and drop me an e-mail.
(Don't just send me the cassette. I'll wind up with a dozen copies,
and I only need one.) Thanks. |
Jim Bowers just told me about an interesting book. What makes
Days: Recollections of America's Favorite Pastime by
Garret Matthews noteworthy to readers of The Adventures Continue
is that it features a Jack Larson/George Reeves photo that accompanies
a section in which Jack describes playing baseball when he was
a kid. I haven't ordered the book yet, but I will next week.
Several readers reported to me that Milo Speriglio, longtime
California private dectective, died of lung cancer on April 30
at the age of 62. Speriglio ran the Nick Harris Detective Agency
in Van Nuys, and his passing is noted here because for ,amy years
he investigated the death of George Reeves and was featured on
shows such as Entertainment Tonight where he always insisted
Reeves' death was not a suicide. Speriglio also conducted investigations
into the deaths of Natalie Wood and Marilyn Monroe.
Now I want to talk about another letter I received just today.
This one from "Lyle" in Chicago:
Dear Jim,
I am finished writing to you after this letter as your
zine is dead. First that guy in California never published his
book on Reeves and then you pulled a fast one.
Lyle's letter disturbs me for two reasons. First, his cutting
remarks remind me that TAC #16 is indeed long overdue.
For that I can only apologize and promise again that it will
be published as soon as possible. But I'm more disturbed by the
his last few words... words that imply that I've attempted to
trick him. I've been publishing The Adventures Continue
for more than ten years now and have maintained this web site
for more than five. In that time, even though I've gone through
some life-changing events, I've tried always to be honest and
make good on all my promises. So I'm saddened to learn that Lyle
thinks differently. All I can say to him... and to you... is
that I can promise nothing more than my best. That's what I've
always done, that's what I'll continue to do. I hope that's enough.
Read other pages "From The Editor."
January, 1999
February, 1999
April 18, 1999
June16, 1999
October, 1999
January, 2000
April, 2000 |